The rejected stone became the cornerstone.


So some minutes ago I was searching through the platform to see communities that I can join as a newbie and then I one of the communities I saw which caught my attention was the hivelearners and their newbies initiative , so I continued surfing through the community then I saw a contest which it held and the theme for the week contest is "Rejection"......I then decided to participate in it because the topic brought back memories to my head , it made me remember my personal life while growing up and made me to appreciate where I am right now...

According to my mom , I was born as a sickle cell patient , many of her friends and family members felt I would not be able to survive life , she said they all kept believing that I will not be alive to clock 18+ because all the sickle cell patient they knew at that time never reached that age before they all died and that made them believe that I cannot survive it too , my mother told me of how my father rejected me and her during that time and he left the marriage , but my mother never gave up on me , she kept staying strong and she kept motivating me that I will survive and that I will never be found wanting..

Growing up was kind of hell for me because many people around me never believed me excluding my mom , infact my mother happened to be the only person who believed in me , she was the only person who showed me genuine love and care while I was growing up and she never stopped caring about me even till this present moment..

I have used more than two decades on earth already and I survived what many people around me thought I would not survived , I now live a cool life , I am healthy the way every human being should be ,I have achieved things that alot of people never thought I could achieve , they now see me as a source of inspiration...Guess what ?? The same father that rejected me during that time ,is now the same person who never stops calling me trying to beg for my attention, trying to come back into my life , trying to be my friend , he keeps doing everything possible to come back into my life , so the boy who was a rejected stone while growing up, is now the cornerstone that everyone needs right now and are looking for , the boy they rejected more than twenty years ago is now the boy they are now looking forward to be with, it is not the same boy that they want to be close to , it is now the same guy that they now learn from and gain so many things from..

What i personally learnt from my story is that sometimes rejection is necessary in order to make us stronger and make us more determined to succeed and have a great life , it makes us to have a better understanding about life and how it should be handled , it makes us to have a better experience towards how most humans behave and how careful we should be around those who do not love and care about us...

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