RE: Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #16 : My Life, My Rules

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Well done! This is quite an awesome post you have created!! I'm not going to lie. Your vibe is strong... your energy reminds me of our dear @marilour for sure. You know what else made me smile? You went with that thingy I told you about sourcing the stuffs. I'd like to show you one more cool thing... If you want of course. Just want to elevate your awesomesauce... Check this out, please...

This section from your post:



You did the sourcing perfectly! But you see this was from a photographer named StockSnap... yes? Watch this...

StockSnap on Pixabay


[StockSnap on Pixabay](

Now you have the same "clickable link" but presented in a different way! I just copied the link from the photo at Pixabay. Then added it as the source for attribution... Try it with your other images... only if you want. The way you have is just fine as well!!




Hello @ellieone we are delighted to have you in Hive and that you join this great family. We value and are glad that the family grows, from love and understanding all its members are valuable jewels and we come to support, when something is not within the established, is to guide, as well as at some point they did with us. At the beginning it can be overwhelming, because of its criteria and established rules, but what would a society be if there were no regulations and norms of coexistence? Norms that we abide by, defend, and advocate for because they are the harmony and balance for everything to flow accordingly.

I join @wesphilbin in expressing some considerations: In our Hive, all sources must be verifiable, because we defend copyright. Everything everything, must be properly identified Images, phrases and thoughts are not your own, sources consulted on any topic, music, videos even your images (you must notify in your publication, that they belong to you). And I go further, not only identify it, but you must be sure that the author allows its free use. In Hive nothing can be left to interpretation, everything must flow between transpa,rency and the best way to demonstrate it is to manifest it in the publication.

When you use images from an author and this kindly authorizes us to use, we like to recognize and give credit to that person, who captured the image and allows us to use it, so our administrator suggests you, include in the reference of the source of the image the author.

We do not allow, we do not accept the text generated by AI, because we advocate the original content, whoever does it will be penalized, without contemplation. As for the images must specify the AI used, however in our community #ThoughtfulDailyPost, we appreciate the own images, those that capture wonderful moments and that have great value because it is a gift that you bring to all of us.

Pages where you can get images of free use Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexel (in the description it expresses you if its use is free you must be attentive).

If something pleases us in our community, is to support and guide, if you need any help do not hesitate to tag us and we will get there faster than a sigh.

Thank you for this exquisite publication, full of feelings and emotions, full of positive energy. We thank you for joining our weekly call, and contribute with your experiences to the collective reflection. Health and well-being !LUV !LADY

Hola @ellieone estamos muy contentos de tenerte en Hive y que te unas a esta gran familia. Valoramos y nos alegra que la familia crezca, desde el cariño y la comprensión todos sus miembros son joyas valiosas y venimos a apoyar, cuando algo no está dentro de lo establecido, es orientar, así como en algún momento también lo hicieron con nosotros. Al principio puede resultar agobiante, por sus criterios y normas establecidas, pero ¿qué sería de una sociedad si no existieran normas y reglas de convivencia? Normas que acatamos, defendemos y propugnamos, porque son la armonía y el equilibrio para que todo fluya en consecuencia.

Me uno a @wesphilbin para expresar algunas consideraciones: En nuestro Hive, todas las fuentes deben ser verificables, porque defendemos los derechos de autor. Todo absolutamente todo, debe estar debidamente identificado Imágenes, frases y pensamientos no propios, fuentes consultadas sobre cualquier tema, música, videos incluso imágenes propias (debes notificar en la publicación, que te pertenecen). Y voy más allá, no sólo identificarlo, sino que debes estar seguro de que el autor permite su libre uso. En Hive nada puede quedar a la interpretación, todo debe fluir entre transparencia y la mejor forma de demostrarlo es manifestarlo en la publicación.

Cuando usas imágenes de un autor y este amablemente nos autoriza a usarlas, nos gusta reconocer y dar crédito a esa persona, que captó la imagen y nos permite usarla, por lo que nuestro administrador te sugiere, incluir en la referencia de la fuente de la imagen al autor.

No permitimos, no aceptamos el texto generado por IA, pues abogamos por el contenido original, quien lo haga será penalizado, sin contemplaciones. En cuanto a las imágenes hay que especificar la IA utilizada, sin embargo en nuestra comunidad #ThoughtfulDailyPost, valoramos mucho las imágenes propias, aquellas que captan momentos maravillosos y que tienen un gran valor pues es un regalo que nos aportas a todos nosotros.

Páginas donde puedes conseguir imágenes de uso libre Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexel (en la descripción te expresa si su uso es libre debes estar atento).

Si algo nos complace en nuestra comunidad es apoyar y guiar, si necesitas alguna ayuda no dudes en etiquetarnos y llegaremos más rápido que un suspiro.

Gracias por esta exquisita publicación, llena de sentimientos y emociones, llena de energía positiva. Gracias por unirte a nuestra convocatoria semanal, y aportar tus experiencias a la reflexión colectiva. Salud y bienestar.


Thank you so much,I'll be sure to adhere to the community rules.


Thank you so much for your compliments,I'll definitely check out this new feature you've shown me😊
