Reward cards and gameplay update on 31st January


21st January 2023.

The Splinterlands team has dropped a huge update coming our way on 31st January 2023.

Reward cards update.
Potion usage update.
Loot chest update.
New abilities update.
Gameplay update.

Never before has Splinterlands come up with such earth-shattering updates to the game.

The veterans of Splinterlands are expecting the meta to change and we cannot wait to see what the new reward cards are.

Splinterlands reward cards update.jpg

TLDR of PeakD post

A quick run down of the highlights:

  1. A total of 43 new Chaos Legion reward cards will be released and they will be soulbound.

  2. Legendary and Alchemy Potions will be usable on Loot chests to increase the chance of getting Epic/Legendary cards and Gold Foil cards.

  3. Loot chests may contain multiple reward cards.

  4. Loot chests drop rates will be updated to reflect the changes.

  5. 3 new abilities: Conscript, Martyr, Weapons Training.

  6. Bloodlust effect will be removable by Dispel.

  7. Bloodlust will give +1 speed in Reverse Speed ruleset (it's a nerf).

It's a lot to take in at a glance.

You can read the full PeakD post by the Splinterlands team here.

Really excited for this huge update to hit Splinterlands.

Finally, a game changing update that will shift the meta substantially.

Time to test things out when they arrive.

Posted using Splintertalk
