Ever-hungry Skull is hungry! - Splinterlands Tactician #41


4th February 2023.

To be honest, I'm usually not impressed by Ever-hungry Skull.

Maybe I will use him only 2-3 times a week, and I play Splinterlands daily.

But this time, we see him shine the brightest, taking down an entire team by himself.

EverHungry Skull.png

The Battle

Everhungry Skull is hungry.png

The key rulesets here are Up Close and Personal and Back to Basics.

Ever-hungry Skull's high armour becomes impenetrable, and his 1HP doesn't really matter.

To be fair, there were a ton of lucky evasions, but it is still impressive to see him solo an entire team.

Everhungry Skull is hungry result.png

Will you give him a chance and put him on the battlefield?

You can catch the full battle here!

Always fight, never surrender!

Posted using Splintertalk
