How to apply positive thinking in everyday life


The framework of life is imposed by positive thinking. Setting goals, seeing projects through to completion, creating regular schedules, and even developing a light routine are all necessary for maintaining optimism. All of this results in a high level of emotional stability.

Philippe Gabilliet emphasises the significance of achieving one's goals as a result: "Self-projection is one of the main tenets of positive thinking. In order to advance, setting goals is necessary. Making one's dreams or desires come true is extremely gratifying and fosters a genuine sense of accomplishment."

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial at the same time. To be better in body and mind, adopting a regular sleep schedule, being aware of your needs, and eating a balanced diet are all beneficial. This is confirmed by psychiatrist Antoine Pelissolo: "A balanced diet is necessary among other things for happiness and positivity. The brain, which controls our moods in its own right, is negatively impacted by saturated fats and sugary foods."

Many business leaders already practise positive thinking and incorporate it into their organisations through wellness programmes, relaxation coaches, and professional psychologists. The advantages are truly amazing, as Antoine Pelissolo shows: "It guards against the negative consequences of stress.

It enables you to control the outcomes and strike the ideal balance at work to avoid becoming overburdened. You develop a better understanding of who you are, how to recognise your resources, and how to focus on the tasks that you are capable of doing." In other words, we become more effective and, most importantly, we learn when to stop.

There are many methods to adopt the philosophy. Start by creating a schedule that allows for breaks, whether at work or at home, says Antoine Pelissolo. "You can decompress and refocus on the here and now during this private time.

We choose five-minute blocks three times a day in the office. We prefer taking longer breaks on the weekends to work on personal projects or engage in enjoyable activities "exemplifies the professional,

On the positive mode, you can also nod off: "No matter the circumstance, always recall three good things from the day as you head to bed. It's crucial to have a peaceful night's sleep so that your brain can record this feeling of contentment and gratitude "the psychiatrist informs.

No need to concentrate on bad thoughts and make an effort to push them away. It's best to just remember the good times when that happens. For his part, Professor Philippe Gabilliet advises keeping a daily "positive diary" in which one records their joys. We programme our subconscious to only store pleasant memories.
