These Boots Weren't Made For Walking... Long Distances



This has been quite a busy week for me. I am finally getting interviews.

I have spent a lot of time this week getting ready by learning the purpose of interviews. I never understood they were meant to get to know a potential employees work background.

Just this year I discovered there was a crap ton of videos about this, after the viral video of the girl getting laid off after just a few months.

If this kind of information had been around when I was younger and even ten years ago I think it would have helped me no hate the interview process so much.

Anyway, today's interview was a mile and a half walk. It went well but was the oddest one I have ever had.

The interviewer walked me back to the staging area instead of taking me to an office. He then proceeded to explain to me what I would be doing. Almost as if I had the job already but had not been put on the schedule.

Hey. I am good with not being asked those awkward questions but then I kind of feel weird after having prepared all week to answer those questions.

Maybe this is the universe telling me it has my back. If that is the case then maybe those questions weren't necessary.

In any case after having walked there I then debating on taking a cab home, I decided I do not have a lot left for the month, so I walked back home.

It did not help that I was carrying an extra fifteen pounds that I did not have in the beginning. I needed my raw, unpasteurized honey and a few other things.

Just ten minutes into my way back home my bag tore and I had to flag someone down to help. The lady gave me a bag to replace the ripped one and I went on. I had to unzip my boots because they were rubbing against my legs. Then because of the extra bit of room they started to rub the bottom of my feet.

I was wearing socks but they were thin ankle socks.

As I was getting to the corner of the halfway point, I noticed a vehicle sitting on the side of the road. As I got close enough to hear, the lady spoke to me.

I could not understand her so I walked closer and spoke to her. She could not speak English well but I understood enough to know she was offering me a ride.

I discovered once I got in the vehicle she spoke Spanish when she spoke to her daughter in the back seat. She handed me her phone on Google maps asking for directions and that was how I finished my trip.

The universe loves to surprise us sometimes. This was an interesting experience. One I would only repeat with the proper shoes and no shopping.

My feet hurt so I am going to try and stay off them as much as possible for the rest of the day.

Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.


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