No Rest For The Weary

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I was going to do a quick buzz, but thought with everything that has been going on today I could make a bit of a longer post. I prefer them anyway.

I can not recall August being this warm of a month. A whole week of triple digit temperatures and malfunctioning technology is not going to be fun.

As far as what has happened today, it all started at midnight. I was woken to a change of temperature in my room. I decided to get up and get a drink. I walked out into the living room and noticed how dark it was. I noticed the street lamp on the corner was out. I then realized the computer was off and wondered when my son had gotten up and turned it off. Thinking nothing of any of this I proceeded to the kitchen to get water.

Still half asleep I flipped the switch to turn on the kitchen light and thought I had flipped the wrong one I turned it off and tried again. It was then I realized the power had gone off. It was peacefully quite.

I stepped outside to get some fresh air walking out to the street but was chased back to my porch when two dogs of leash came charging at me. I heard the voice of the owner but the dogs only slowed down as they approached me. The owner told me she had called the power company and was told we would get power back by three. It was back on by 1.

We talked for a bit then she took her dogs back home. I sat outside for a bit enjoying the cool air then decided to try and get back to sleep.

That was short lived because I woke up to the sound of a voice saying, "Police. Identify yourself."

I looked out my window to see flashes of light from next door. This was around 5 a.m. and that was the end of my sleep. So I just sat outside watching I will Never Let You Go. An Asian drama I started watching sometime ago but stopped when it seemed all the good guys go slaughtered.

After some more time passed I felt cool enough and decided go back and lay down but I knew I was too wide awake that I would not get anymore sleep.

It was between 7 and 8 o'clock that I got up and started doing things around the house. This is the first time I have taken a break from being busy today.

I will more then likely be doing more housework in a bit because the machines will get overheated and slow down. At least the dishes are done for now.

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