I am Anxious To Get Started

image taken with my revl v camera phone

I do not know what possessed me to do it but last night I went in search of some equipment and as much as I dislike amazon, I know that is a one stop shop. I stuffed some solder wick in my shopping cart then signed in to amazon so I could plug in my phone to charge and switch to my laptop.

I then went in to search for a soldering rod. There are so many to choose from. I prefer to have one with a digital read out over a dial. It also needs to have variable temperature settings. Of course I want a kit to have a spool of soldering wire and maybe a pair of tweezers. I was not liking many of the options available. There was one with a multimeter but something about the kit was screaming I'm not the one.

The one I settled on was this rod.

I then went in search of a breadboard kit. I was setting my spending budget low so when I do finally sell more of my eth I will still have something left over for when it gets past $4000.00

At this point It will need to be $10,000.00 before I can have a decent chunk to take out.

Anyway. I saw a cool one that provided a power supply board (sort of like a raspberry pi or arduino) with wires, breadboard and the necessary extra bits. I stuck that in my cart then went back to look and see what else was available and found a similar one with extra wires for just a few more dollars. I stuck it in my cart.

image.pngscreenshot from amazon

Now my cart is just a place holder until I decide on what I am going to get.

I went in search this morning to see if I could not find something on youtube in the form of breadboard projects when.

I then got the idea to go back and see if I could find a decently priced backup hard drive. Then it hit me, there are so many things that are possible in the world of tech, would there be a way for me to convert one of the hard drives I already had into a back up drive?

Great question and I found my answer. YES!! Apparently amazon has a conversion case that has a sata plug.

I watched a few more video's and discover all I really need is a sata to usb cord which is also available on amazon. Probably way cheaper then the back up hard drive case (which I may still get at some future point).

Any way, today has been quite a day for creative revolutions. I still feel like I have a ways to go but I feel I am on the right track.

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