Gathering My Thoughts


Obsidian Mind Map.png
image created using stable diffusion

Some days my thought's are that of a curious puppy, SQUIRELL!! I am fairly easily distracted like a bird flitting from one tree branch to another.

Other times I am semi-focused and can get things done but then there are days when I am hyper focused and only do a handful of thigs.

I take notes and just drop them into a text file with the plan of going over them and reorganizing them but they end up being so wordy I get overwhelmed and just let them sit for another day.

I have tried a handful of other note taking apps but until this week I was never really satisfied with any of them.

I transferred notes to Joplin but somehow they disappeared. I lost those notes. I am sure I still have some thought of them floating around in my brain somewhere but until I can get my thoughts more under control I feel they may continue to float around.

This week I had my attention called to an app I had heard of before but never really looked too much into because I saw a lot of people compare it with other apps.

What I did not know was this app is open source. It has a huge community of users and it is more versatile then a camel.

The thing about this app that makes it awesome is that you can link your texts. This in turn creates a sort of mind map graph that shows how thoughts connect.

I have been deep in learning about this, this week, and one of the top community members, a guy named Milo, who runs a youtube channel called Linking Your Thinking does a fabulous tutorial for this app.

The name of the app is obsidian. For all you open source fans, it has over 1700 community made plug ins you can choose from to make this awesome app fit your needs.

I have been having loads of fun with this and recommend you check it out for yourself regardless of what you use to keep track of things.

Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.
