You will always be around me


You will always be around me

My way of showing love is very simple. If I love you, I will always want you near me. I will want you around all the time.

For me, being with the person I love is the biggest sign that I care deeply. When I have strong feelings for someone special, I get very happy whenever we can spend time together.

It doesn't matter what we're doing - going out or just staying home. I'm content as long as we're in the same place, side-by-side. I enjoy their company, even if we're not doing anything exciting.

If I love you, I want you with me when I wake up. And I want you there before I go to sleep. I like having you around when I'm cooking food, running errands, or just relaxing watching TV. Your presence makes me feel at peace during regular daily moments.

My favorite thing is when we can simply be together with nowhere to go. We can talk or not talk. We can read books or watch shows, or sit in silence. As long as we're sharing the same space and breathing the same air, I feel satisfied.

For some people, they might need big romantic surprises to feel truly loved. But my way of quiet togetherness could seem boring to them. They may not understand how much this simple presence means to me. Sharing the ordinary patterns of life is the biggest way I can show care.

I'm making that special someone a steady part of my everyday life and routines. I'm weaving them into all the basic, normal things I do. There is no grander loving action than that.

When I was younger, I also believed you had to prove love through huge gestures - like expensive gifts, fancy dates, and over-the-top proposals. Those things are nice sometimes. But true love is about more than just occasional bursts of passion.

Real love should be part of your normal, daily lifestyle. The more you make your lives fit together through constant companionship, the stronger your love becomes. You create mutual habits and routines that bond you closely.

From the outside, it may look like we're just hanging around the house a lot. But we're actually building an entire joined world of familiarity and comfort, day-by-day. Sharing space and presence this way forms the strongest possible connection.

Waking up to your partner's face and moving through your days as an integrated duo is the ultimate act of love and commitment to me. It's the real intimacy. Sure, going out can be fun too. But the truest affection happens in those quiet moments in between that weave your lives together.

This simple way of showing love through continual presence may not be for everyone. But there's nothing more romantic to me than having my favorite person nearby as I live my life. Always wanting them around is the greatest expression of care I could give.


I doubt if there is anyone that does not want their loved ones around them, whoever we love we want around always.


All those top-notch proposals and fancy lifestyle is really tiresome.
