Feeling Unraveled- Making Sense of Chaotic Situations

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Life feels overwhelming right now, and I have been here before in the past. Learning to cope with uncertainty and when life seems to be going anyway but the way we envision takes experience and maturity, and I want to highlight how important these skills are.

Being able to navigate chaos and uncertainty means being able to see patterns in unclear and unfamiliar territory. We often come into a situation we didn't envision or create, and we need to create order from complete chaos. This takes the form of pattern recognition and threat assessment. If can feel like a fight or flight situation, but we need to take a deep breath and focus on what we can influence and assess.

Making goals is another surefire way to begin to unravel chaos. We need to find what makes our situation novel and compare it with past successes. We need to write our goals and ensure they are measurable and predictabile in their execution. We need to articulate our plans, and others who are trusted advisors will add to our confidence. Friends and colleagues are major help during the loss of control we may feel as the world spins out of control.

I hope this helps you look at chaotic situations in which you feel a loss of control. Often times, the feeling of being overwhelmed can unravel our confidence, but the comparison with prior successes can alleviate our suffering.
