Zeleni mali grad, Ivanjica 💚🌳🌱Green small town, Ivanjica


Svakome treba s vremena na vreme da se primiri, nadje mesto gde će napuniti baterije, regenerisati se, osvežiti.
Ja to činim u ovom malom lepom i mirnom gradu okružen zelenilom kroz koji prolazi reka Golijska Morava. 🥰🌳🥰🌱🥰💚

Everyone needs to settle down from time to time, find a place where they can recharge their batteries, regenerate, refresh themselves.
I do it in this small, beautiful and peaceful town surrounded by greenery, through which the Golijska Morava river passes. 🌳🌱🌱💚




Prvog dana sam odlučila da odem u šetnju povezujući reku i planinu. Zelenu avanturu sam započela šetnjom pored reke.
Zatim kroz grad penjući se ka planini koja je sijala zelenom aurom.

On the first day, I decided to go for a walk connecting the river and the mountain. I started my green adventure with a walk by the river.
Then through the city climbing towards a mountain that was glowing with a green aura.




Sve vreme me su me pratila visoka stabla, mali potoci i kućice koje su zračile porodičnom toplinom.🌳🍃⛰️🌄🏡🏠
Penjala sam se krivudavom stazom ka vrhu brda. Slušala sam žubor vode malih potoka i uživala u miru bez ljudi.

Tall trees, small streams and houses that radiated family warmth accompanied me all the time.🌳🍃⛰️🌄🏡🏠
I climbed the winding path to the top of the hill. I listened to the murmur of small streams and enjoyed the peace without people.





Ivanjica je poznata po malinama. Svaka kuća poseduje poljanu malina.Dugačke redove malih crvenih plodova. . .
Uspela sam da fotografišem tu idiličnu sliku.

Ivanjica is known for its raspberries. Every house has raspberry field,long rows of small red fruits. . .
I managed to photograph that idyllic picture.



Nastavila sam put krivom stazom koja me je iza svake krivine iznenadila novim pogledom.

I continued my journey along a crooked path that surprised me with a new sight behind every bend.




Sa vrha brda, najsunčanijeg dela, staza me je vratila u grad. Šetnja je trajala jedan sat. Postalo je jako vruće. Vratila sam se na vreme. Javila sam se tetki koja me je čekala sa skuvanom kafom. Sela sam i podigla na stolicu umorne noge, ali bio je to sladak umor...

From the top of the hill, the sunniest part, the path took me back to the city. The walk lasted one hour. It got very hot. I got back in time. I contacted my aunt who was waiting for me with brewed coffee. I sat down and raised my tired legs on the chair, but it was a sweet tiredness... 🥰

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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