The girl is lying on the beach


Najveći blagoslov je da radiš ono što voliš. Ako od toga možeš i da živiš? Savršeno!
Ne mogu da živim SAMO od crtanja, ali barem radim ono što volim.
Da, crtanje je moja duhovna hrana. Ne prodje ni dan da ne nacrtam nešto. Posebno je lepo kad to podelite sa prijateljima.
Dakle, uživajte u današnjem crtežu...🖌️💌✨

The greatest blessing is to do what you love. If you can make a living from it? Perfect!
I can't make a living ONLY from drawing, but at least I'm doing what I love.
Yes, drawing is my spiritual food. Not a day goes by that I don't draw something. It's especially nice when you share it with your friends.
So, enjoy today's drawing...🖌️💌✨


Biće ovo jedno popodnevno odmaranje. Izležavanje devojke na vrućem pesku sa povetarcem koji njiše travke dok se more plavi u daljini...

This will be an afternoon rest. A girl lounging on the hot sand with the breeze swaying the grasses while the sea turns blue in the distance...


Počinjem od glave. To je nekako naj logičnije.

I start with the head. It's somehow the most logical.


Narandžasta boja je jako važna jer najbolje dočara vrelinu dana i svetlost.

The orange color is very important because it best evokes the heat of the day and the light.


Opet sam se igrala sa svetlosnim zracima koji su ulazili kroz moj prozor. Izgleda totalno kul, zar ne?
Kao da je na plaži stvarno! 🤗


I played again with the rays of light coming in through my window. Looks totally cool, doesn't it?
It's like being on the beach for real! 🤗


Uz samo nekoliko tonova plave, narandžaste i plave, dobila sam sjajnu priču devojke na plaži koja ispod šešira meditira zaboravljajući na vreme i obaveze...
Tako bi svi mi trebalo da radimo, zar ne?
Uvidite sebi dragi Hajveri...💌🥰💋

With just a few tones of blue, orange and blue, I got a great story of a girl on the beach meditating under a hat, forgetting about time and responsibilities...
That's how we should all work, right?
See for yourself dear Hiveri...💌🥰💋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


You make it look so easy 🎨🖌️😌.
Beautiful 💖
