Svi volimo Cica mace, zar ne? 🐈We all love kitty cats, don't we? 🐈

Opet sam se uželela da crtama male mace. Onako debele i pufnaste! ❤️🐈
Izgledaju jednostavno za crtanje, u samo nekoliko poteza pa ipak nije tako. Mora im se posvetiti puno pažnje i ljubavi kao u realnom životu. ❤️

I wanted to draw little cats again. So thick and puffy! ❤️🐈
They look simple to draw, in just a few strokes, but they are not. They must be given a lot of attention and love as in real life. ❤️
Here we go...


Kada nacrtam skicu, nikad ne znaš kako će na kraju da ispadne, zato samo hrabro i strpljivo.

When I draw a sketch, you never know how it will turn out in the end, so just be brave and patient.


Iako je glava skoro gotova, ima tu još posla. Mali detalji čine čuda...

Although the head is almost done, there is still work to be done. Small details make wonders...


Bilo bi lepo da sam napravila više fotografija dok sam je crtala ali često mi se desi da se zanesem pa zaboravim da fotografišem. Ipak, mislim da će i ovih nekoliko biti dovoljno. Važno je da se vidi početak i kraj.🙂

It would have been nice if I had taken more photos while I was drawing it, but I often get carried away and forget to take photos. However, I think these few will be enough. It is important to see the beginning and the end.🙂


Ah kakve žute oči! 😍
Taj detalj kod mačaka je naj bitniji, zar ne?
Ali ni poza nije loša! 😉

Ah, what yellow eyes! 😍
That detail with cats is the most important, isn't it?
But the pose is not bad either! 😉

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
