street crowd/ watercolor


Svakog dana žurimo, jurimo i u jurnjavi ne primećujemo znakove pored puta. Dok mi jurimo život se dešava, a kad godine projure, osećamo da smo nešto propustili. To uglavnom nisu velike stvari nego one obične svakodnevne lepote dana. . .

Every day we rush, rush and in the rush we don't notice the signs on the side of the road. While we are running, life happens, and when the years fly by, we feel that we have missed something. These are mostly not big things, but those ordinary everyday beauties of the day. . .


Ako si uživao u potrošenom vremenu, onda to vreme nije uzalud potrošeno.


Napuni godine životom, ne život godinama. . .

Fill the years with life, not life with years. . .


Budi ono što JESI, jer da smo svi isti, bilo bi dosadno. . .

Be who YOU ​​ARE, because if we were all the same, it would be boring. . .




Za kraj ću vam poželeti sreću kratkom pričom muzičkog genija Džona Lenona:

Finally, I will wish you luck with a short story of musical genius John Lennon:

Kada sam imao pet godina, majka mi je rekla da je sreća ključ života. Kada sam pošao u školu, pitali su me šta želim da budem kad porastem. Napisao sam „srećan“. Rekli su mi da nisam razumeo zadatak, a ja sam im odgovorio da oni nisu razumeli život.

When I was five years old, my mother told me that happiness is the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote "happy". They told me that I did not understand the task, and I replied that they did not understand life.

Ne žurite, živite, budite srećni!

Don't rush, live, be happy!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

5.029 NEOXAG


Wow nica art work watercolor

0.000 NEOXAG