Stara mediteranska kuća/ Old Mediterranean house


Danas se opet vraćam na delove ulica, tačnije kuće. Novu kuću nije interesantno crtati, ali staru, predivan izazov. Stare kuće su ukrašene patinom i svojom istorijom. Ornamenti, slojevi boja, senke šara, masivne kapije...
Evo procesa kako je nastala narandžasta kuća sa biciklom...

Today, I'm going back to parts of the streets, more precisely the houses. A new house is not interesting to draw, but an old one is a wonderful challenge. Old houses are decorated with patina and their history. Ornaments, layers of colors, shadow patterns, massive gates...
Here is the process of how the orange bicycle house came to be...


Počela sam od gornjeg dela kuće na dole. Boje koje sam koristila su uglavnom narandžasta,crvena, žuta, oker, braon i plava.

I started from the top of the house down. The colors I used were mainly orange, red, yellow, ocher, brown and blue


Kada sam završila zidove i kapiju, trebala mi je izuzetno tanka četkica za fine linije ornamenata na ogradi terase i njene senke.

When I finished the walls and the gate, I needed an extremely thin brush for the fine lines of the ornaments on the patio fence and its shadows.


Primećujete da ima puno detalja. Nije lako, verujte mi na reč. ☝️

You notice that there is a lot of detail. It's not easy, take my word for it. ☝️


Ostalo mi je samo još bicikl da uradim i crež je gotov. Detalji poput bicikla su interesantni detalji oni prave neku priču,kao na primer...ko je naslonio bicikl? Devojka ili stariji čovek? Kod koga je došao? Da li je ukraden? Da li se se na njemu vozio neki zaljubljeni par? I tako dalje...

All I have left to do is the bike and the bike is done. Details like the bike are interesting details, they make a story, like for example...who leaned the bike? A girl or an older man? Who did he come to? Was it stolen? Did a couple in love ride it? And so on...



Kućica je gotova kao i svi planirani detalji! Eh, još kada bih samo mogla sebi da sazidam ovako interesantnu kuću kao što sam je nacrtala 🤗😉

The house is finished as well as all the planned details! Eh, if only I could build myself such an interesting house as I drew it 🤗😉

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


I think you are absolutely right, old houses are so much more fun to draw, there are so many charming elements in them, and it would really be a pleasure to live in one like that. This is a beautiful piece! 🌹 🐞


"...and it would really be a pleasure to live in one like that"

