Šetnja sa prijateljem/A walk with a friend


Koliko imate prijatelja?
Tri? Dva? Jednog?
Nažalost, ljudi su sve više otuđeni i usamljeni. I sama često volim samoću, ali ja je volim jer mi treba samoća da bih radila ono što volim. Usamljenost je nešto drugo, tu imam sreće, imam dobre prijatelje. Ne mnogo,ali meni je dovoljno,a znate zašto?
Jer su PRAVI prijatelji...❤️
Danas sam sa jednim od njih bila u šetnji...

How many friends do you have?
The REAL ones?
Three? Two? One?
Unfortunately, people are increasingly alienated and lonely. I often like solitude myself, but I like it because I need solitude to do what I love. Loneliness is something else, I'm lucky there, I have good friends. Not much, but it's enough for me, and you know why?
Because they are REAL friends...❤️
Today I went for a walk with one of them...


Stazu kojom smo krenuli, nazvali smo stazom prijateljstva. Šetnju smo posvetili upravo ovoj temi...

We called the path we took the path of friendship. We dedicated the walk to this very topic...


Neobično,ali staza nas je vodila baš pored crkve, što je retkost na planini. Shvatili smo ovo kao duhovnu podršku...

Unusually, the path led us right by the church, which is rare on the mountain. We took this as spiritual support...



Današnja otuđenost, posebno u eri digitalnih tehnologija, često vodi do osećaja usamljenosti. Iako imamo pristup globalnoj mreži, mnogi ljudi osećaju sve veću izolovanost, jer se socijalne interakcije često svode na virtualnu komunikaciju koja ne može zameniti stvarnu bliskost.

Today's alienation, especially in the age of digital technologies, often leads to feelings of loneliness. Although we have access to the global network, many people feel increasingly isolated, because social interactions are often reduced to virtual communication that cannot replace real closeness.


Dok smo pričali o ovoj važnoj temi, primetili smo da se sneg još uvek zadržao na planini, u gradu ga odavno nema, otopio se...

While we were talking about this important topic, we noticed that the snow still remained on the mountain, it has been gone for a long time in the city, it has melted...


Usamljenost se može odraziti na mentalno i fizičko zdravlje, jer nam je potrebna emocionalna povezanost s drugima kako bismo se osećali podržano i shvaćeno...

Loneliness can affect mental and physical health, as we need emotional connection with others to feel supported and understood...



Kroz priču smo došli do prelepog vidikovca. Ispred nas je stajala tvrđava na vrhu brda kao vojnik na straži. Bio je to pogled za divljenje...

Through the story, we reached a beautiful viewpoint. In front of us stood the fortress on top of the hill like a soldier on guard. It was an admirable sight…


Prijatelji igraju ključnu ulogu u pružanju emocionalne podrške, smanjenju stresa i jačanju osećaja pripadnosti. Zato je važno ulagati u prijateljstva i međuljudske odnose koji nas obogaćuju i pomažu da se nosimo s izazovima života...

Friends play a key role in providing emotional support, reducing stress and strengthening a sense of belonging. That's why it's important to invest in friendships and interpersonal relationships that enrich us and help us cope with life's challenges...



Priču nam je na momenat prekinula grana koja je ležala na stazi kojom smo išli. Možda je vetar polomio, ili se odlomila pod težinom snega...
Kako god, pomerili smo je i nastavili. Na kratko smo seli u jedno odmaralište i popili čaj da se ugrejemo. Nakon pola sata odmora, krenuli smo nazad. Mrak je počeo da pada...

Our story was momentarily interrupted by a branch lying on the path we were walking on. Maybe the wind broke it, or it broke under the weight of the snow...
Anyway, we moved her and continued.


We sat down at a resort for a while and drank tea to warm up. After half an hour of rest, we started back. Darkness began to fall...



Da, mrak je počeo da pada, ali sa prijateljem se nisam plašila...
Požurili smo dok se staza vidi. Mog dragog prijatelja sam zamolila da vam mahne i osmehom zagreje srce, bar onima koji se osećaju usamljeno...

Yes, it was getting dark, but with my friend I wasn't afraid...
We hurried while the trail was visible. I asked my dear friend to wave at you and warm your heart with a smile, at least for those who feel lonely...


Ne dozvolite da vam se zaledi srce. Ljudi su potrebni jedni drugima. Budite otvoreni i družite se. Širite toplinu i dotaknete nekome srce. Jer samo zbog ljubavi se ova planeta još uvek ima razloga da se okreće...

Don't let your heart freeze. People need each other. Be open and social. Spread warmth and touch someone's heart. Because only because of love does this planet still have a reason to turn...


Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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