Šetnja medju oblacima/ A walk among the clouds


Neko je rekao: možeš pogoditi pravo u metu a da promaši sve ostalo.
Da, jurimo za nebitnim stvarima a najvrednije je ono što nema nikakve veze sa novcem.
Da, to je ljubav, druženje, kreativnost, šetnja u prirodi...
Danas mislim da nisam ništa promašila, otišla sam u šetnju medju oblacima...

Someone said: you can hit the target and miss everything else.
Yes, we chase after unimportant things, and the most valuable thing is that which has nothing to do with money.
Yes, it's love, socializing, creativity, walking in nature...
Today I don't think I missed anything, I went for a walk among the clouds...



Dan je obećavao dobru avanturu. Osim Sunca, moji najlepši saputnici su bili beli oblaci na plavom nebu...

The day promised a good adventure. Apart from the Sun, my most beautiful companions were the white clouds in the blue sky...



Popela sam se do prvog vidikovca. Sve je bilo u zelenim i plavim bojama. Toliko je bilo široko da nisam mogla očima sve da obuhvatim. Samo sam uživala...
A onda sam došla na stene. Moje kameno gnezdo.

I climbed to the first viewpoint. Everything was in green and blue colors. It was so wide that I couldn't take in everything with my eyes. I just enjoyed...
And then I came to the rocks. My stone nest.



Nadmorska visina je 350 metara ali ja sam se osećala kao na krovu sveta!

The altitude is 350 meters, but I felt like I was on top of the world!



Sta sam drugo mogla da radim nego da uživam upijajući tople zrake oktobarskog sunca.

What else could I do but enjoy soaking up the warm rays of the October sun.


Nastavila sam šetnju kroz šumu. Podigla sam pogled iznad moje glave, krošnje drveća me je pozdravljalo uz šuštanje lišća na jesenjem vetru.

I continued my walk through the forest. I looked up above my head, the treetops greeted me with leaves rustling in the autumn wind.


Dani su sve kraći. Odlučila sam da prošetam još nekoliko stotina metara, a onda sam se drugim putem vraćala, zahvalna na predivnom danu.

The days are getting shorter. I decided to walk another few hundred meters, and then I went back the other way, grateful for the beautiful day.



U povratku, kao da je neko isključio svetlo, ali samo spolja, u meni je svetlo itekako bilo upaljeno. Svetlo ljubavi prema svemu što je bilo oko mene.
Izlazeći iz šume, uhvatila sam pogledom poslednje zrake sunca koji su se probijali kroz žutu travu koja je izgledala kao da je deo Van Gogovih pejzaža...prelepo...

On the way back, it was as if someone had turned off the light, but only from the outside, the light was really on in me. The light of love for everything that was around me.
Coming out of the forest, I caught a glimpse of the last rays of the sun breaking through the yellow grass that looked like it was part of Van Gogh's landscapes...beautiful...



Da, biće ovo jedan od onih dana za pamćenje...Zlatni dan suncem okupan...

Yes, this will be one of those days to remember... A golden day bathed in the sun...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
