Rodjendanska karikatura! 🤗🥳Birthday cartoon! 🤗🥳


Kada imate neki talenat, onda nije problem da često idete na rodjendane. 😁 Uvek možete da im nešto kreativno napravite. U mom slučaju,to su portreti i karikature!
Moji prijatelji znaju da se bavim time pa to zapravo i očekuju. 😉Naravno, pored toga im i kupim nešto što će im koristiti u praktične svrhe. 🥰 Za tri dana je mom prijatelju rodjendan. On jako voli moje slike i zato sam se za njega posebno potrudila! Više voli karikature od portreta pa će to i dobiti!
Ima jedan mali problem 😁🙃 zaboravila sam da fotografišem proces slikanja ali imam skicu, gotovu karikaturu i fotografiju u koju sam gledala dok sam crtala. Ne zamerite mi jer mislim da ćete ipak steći neki utisak. Hvala unapred.
Dakle skica...

When you have some talent, it's not a problem to go to birthday parties often. 😁 You can always make them something creative. In my case, it's portraits and caricatures!
My friends know I'm into it, so they actually expect it. 😉Of course, in addition to that, I also buy them something that they will use for practical purposes. My friend's birthday is in three days. He really likes my pictures and that's why I made a special effort for him! He prefers caricatures to portraits, so that's what he'll get!
There is one small problem 😁🙃 I forgot to take a photo of the painting process, but I have a sketch, a finished caricature and a photo that I looked at while I was drawing. Don't mind me because I think you will still get some impression. Thanks in advance.
So the sketch...


Već mi se skica dopala, ali naravno, uvek je lepše kada se oboji...🤗🥰
Pre nego što vam pokažem konačan izgled karikature, prvo ću vam pokazati fotografiju sa koje sam radila crtež da bi mogli da uporedite...

I already liked the sketch, but of course, it's always better when it's colored...🤗
Before I show you the final look of the caricature, I'll first show you the photo I used to make the drawing so you can compare...


Dakle jedna veoma simpatična ličnost. Od svih fotografija koje su bile u užem izboru, izabrala sam ovu jer je već ličila na karikaturu pa mi je olakšala crtanje...😁🙃
Evo i završene karikature:

So a very nice person. Of all the photos that were shortlisted, I chose this one because it already looked like a caricature, so it made it easier for me to draw...😁🙃
Here is the finished cartoon:



Ha? Da li liči?
Iskreno, ja sam baš zadovoljna! 🥰
Inače, kao što vidite, nacrtala sam ga kao farmera koji iskopava krompire iako se on time ne bavi profesionalno, ali pored kuće ima baštu koju sa velikom ljubavlju obrađuje, sadi i zaliva povrće! ❤️🍅🥕🥔🌶️🥬🥒Zato sam odlučila da ga tako i nacrtam!
Nadam se da ste i ovog puta uživali u slikarskoj avanturi...
A ko će mene da nacrta? 😉

Huh? Does it look like it?
Honestly, I'm really happy!
By the way, as you can see, I drew him as a farmer who digs potatoes, although he does not do it professionally, but he has a garden next to the house, which he cultivates, plants and waters vegetables with great love! ❤️🍅🥕🥔🌶️ 🥒That's why I decided to draw him like that!
I hope you enjoyed the painting adventure this time too...
And who will draw me? 😉

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Hahaha, nice painting! Very funny, it's not easy to make cartoons, I'm sure he'll like it 👍🏻.


I think this world needs more laughter!

Yes, I believe he will like it.

Thank you @gatubela ! ❤️👋☀️


Absolutely true 😁😉
You're welcome 🌻😺🤗
