POBphotocontest New Round: CARS


This is my entry for this week's #POBPhotocontest. The Contest is hosted by @friendlymoose. If you would like to participate in this contest's fun, read about the rules in this post by @friendlymoose.

The theme for the contest for this week is " Cars".


Kada sam videla da je tema ovog takmičenja AUTO, pomislila sam, ne vozim auto, nemam nikakvu fotografiju sa interesantnim i posebnim autom, pa sa čime onda da učestvujem???
Doduše, setila sam se da imam jednu savršenu fotografiju iz Španije gde sam se uslikala pored jednog starog Rols Rojsa iz ‘50’s. Traźila sam je satima ali nisam mogla da je nadjem. Medjutim, ništa se ne dešava slučajno.
Neke situacije nas teraju da razmišljamo. Setila sam se! 💡
Ja kad god nešto nemam- napravim!!!
Razmišljala sam. Tema nije jednostavna iako deluje da jeste. Nije fora da uslikaš auto nego da taj auto bude po nečemu poseban, interesantan ili da fotografija ima zanimljivu priču. S obzirom na to, ja sam napravila Svoj auto! 🚘❤️😁 Ali svakako neće biti običan. Razmišljala sam kakav auto da bude a da izgleda originalno? Setila sam se najstarijeg auta na svetu -AUTO Fred Flinststone! 😁
Svako može da uslika auto ali da ga svako NAPRAVI- sumnjam. 😉
Volim retke i jedinstvene stvari.
Evo šta mi je sve trebalo od materijala:

When I saw that the theme of this competition was CAR, I thought, I don't drive a car, I don't have any photo with an interesting and special car, so what should I participate with???
However, I remembered that I have a perfect photo from Spain where I took a picture next to an old Rolls Royce from the '50's. I looked for her for hours but I couldn't find her. However, nothing happens by chance.
Some situations make us think. I remembered! 💡
Whenever I don't have something, I make it!!!
I was thinking. The topic is not simple, although it seems to be. It's not fun to take a picture of a car, but for that car to be special, interesting, or for the photo to have an interesting story. With that in mind, I made my own car! 🚘❤️😁 But it certainly won't be ordinary. I was thinking what kind of car should it be and look original? I remembered the oldest car in the world - Freddy Flinststone CAR! 😆
Anyone can take a picture of a car, but I doubt that anyone can MAKE it. 😉
I like rare and unique things.
I begin:
Here's what I needed from the materials:



Uglavnom sve što imamo kod kuće. Imajte u vidu da sam neke ideje za materijal menjala u hodu. Npr mislila sam da će mi trebati roštilj-štapići ali nisu itd.
Prvo sam krenula od “točkova”. 😁

Mostly everything we have at home. Keep in mind that I changed some material ideas on the fly. For example, I thought I would need barbecue sticks, but they didn't, etc.
First, I started with the "wheels". 😁






Dve rolne toalet papira. Rupe je trebalo zapušiti belim čepom. Imala sam samo jedan pa sam ostale čepove napravila od belog kartona. Staviti lepak po rubu rolne i zalepila. Čep sam ubacila u rupu. Sada su na redu ralje ili “štapovi” koji drže točkove. Opet od kartona. Iskoristila sam tacne za rodjendanske torte.
Iscrtala, isekla.

Two rolls of toilet paper. The holes had to be plugged with a white plug. I only had one so I made the rest of the plugs out of white cardboard. Put glue on the edge of the roll and stick it. I put the plug in the hole. Now it's the turn of the jaws or "sticks" that hold the wheels. Again from cardboard. I used birthday cake trays.
Drawn, cut.






Naravno, lepila sam ih lepkom za papir. Ne treba vam jači lepak. Možete koristiti i silikonski pištolj ali ne morate.
Sad je na red bilo da napravim konstrukciju za krov. Cevčice za sok, rafija, selotejp, parče toalet papira:

Of course, I glued them with paper glue. You don't need a stronger glue. You can also use a silicone gun, but you don't have to.
Now it was my turn to make the structure for the roof. Juice tubes, raffia, scotch tape, a piece of toilet paper:




Primetili ste da sam cevčice nakon selotejpom, povezala rafijom( suvom travom ) da bi izgledalo praistorijski. 😊
Zatim sam izbušila rupe gde sam uglavila konstrukciju sa cevčicama.

You noticed that after taping the tubes, I tied them with raffia (dry grass) to make them look prehistoric. 😊
Then I drilled the holes where I wedged the structure with the tubes.



Rešenja kako nešto da uradim tražila sam u hodu. To je baš zabavno. Rešila sam pričvršćivanje cevčica, sada zaklon odnosno krov od platna. Kad mi je već toalet papir pri ruci, shvatila sam da je idealan za to. Niti je premekan niti previše krut.

I was looking for solutions on how to do something on the fly. That's really fun. I solved the fastening of the tubes, now the shelter, i.e. the canvas roof. When I already have toilet paper at hand, I realized that it is ideal for that. It is neither too soft nor too stiff.




Samo još da ga zalepim. Stavila sam lepak na odgovarajuće mesto. Ovo je išlo lako. Ništa nisam merila, sve sam radila odprilike.

I just have to glue it on. I put the glue in the appropriate place. This was easy. I didn't measure anything, I did everything roughly.




Do sada je je sve išlo lako. Samo mi je ostalo još sedišta i volan. Htela sam da bude baš identično Flintstone autu! 🥰
Isekla sam opet kartonaki tanjirić, odprilike dimenzija koji će biti odgovarajuć. Savila sam deo za naslon i prednji deo na koji ću zalepiti volan.

So far everything has been easy for her. All I have left are the seats and the steering wheel. I wanted it to be exactly identical to Flintstone car!
I cut a cardboard plate again, approximately the size that will be suitable. I bent the part for the backrest and the front part to which I will glue the steering wheel.






I ovo je bilo lako! Samo još par detalja koji će ulepšati ovaj old timer i palimo motor! 😆😉
Evo, tako, ovaj kamen ovde, kamena kućica tu i. . . Naš auto je završen! 🥰🚘✨👏

And this was easy! Just a few more details that will beautify this old timer and let's start the engine! 😆😉
Here, like this, this stone here, the stone house there. . . Our car is finished! 🚘✨👏


Ćerka i ja smo prezadovoljne što smo učestvovale na ovom #pobphotocontest !!!
Da nije bilo ovog izazova nikada ne bi saznale koliko smo kreativne! 🥰🥰
Kako je sve počelo da poskupljuje pa i benzin, ko zna, možda ćemo svi uskoro voziti ovakav auto! 😆😉
Mnogo nam je drago što smo ovu lepu priču imale priliku da podelimo sa vama! Yabba Dabba Doo!!! 😉👋

My daughter and I are overjoyed to have participated in this #pobphotocontest !!!
If it weren't for this challenge, they would never know how creative we are! 😋
As everything started to become more expensive, including gasoline, who knows, maybe we will all be driving a car like this soon! 😆😉
We are very glad that we had the opportunity to share this beautiful story with you! Yabba Dabba Doo!!! 😉👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Beautiful old car...
And a great idea 🥰


Awww what a lovely creative idea this is. Brilliant!

!PIZZA @vragolana


Thank you @chichi18 !

I am very glad to hear such a comment. ❤️
I hope you will like my other creative works as well.

I love to invent, make, create!

Greeting! 👋👋👋
