Pljusak u glavnom gradu/A downpour in the capital


Kiša pada, teška i neprestana,
u ulicama grada, kao suze bez kraja,
sivilo obavija asfalt, smeštajući u tminu
sve što je bilo jasno, sada u magli.

The rain is falling, heavy and incessant,
in the streets of the city, like endless tears,
gray envelops the asphalt, placing it in darkness
all that was clear, now in a fog


Kapljice udaraju o beton,
kao stihovi što se lome.
glasovi ljudi u žurbi nestaju
u škripi guma na mokrim ulicama.

The drops hit the concrete,
like verses that break.
the voices of people disappear in a hurry
in the screeching of tires on wet streets.


Svuda oko tebe, srebrni tokovi,
reke što teku kroz betonske brazde,
dok grad diše u vlažnoj tišini,
u ritmu kiše koja sve pokreće.

All around you, silver streams,
rivers flowing through concrete furrows,
while the city breathes in damp silence,
in the rhythm of the rain that sets everything in motion.


Nadahnuta svilom neba, ona nastavlja da pada,
Kiša koja najavljuje novi dan ljudima mokrim i ozeblim.

Inspired by the silk of heaven, she continues to fall,
The rain that heralds a new day to wet and cold people.


Kao da nikada neće prestati.
Kao da se trka sa oblacima...

Like it will never stop.
It's like racing with the clouds...


Grad je potonuo u vlažnu noć, svi žude za toplinom doma...
Jure, žure, mršte svoja lica.

The city sank into a wet night, everyone yearns for the warmth of home...
They rush, rush, frown their faces.



Ali u svemu ima i nešto lepo...
Samo treba videti ..

But there is something beautiful in everything...
You just have to see..


Kiša pada, ali grad ne prestaje,
ljudi gaze po vodama, umorni,
a metropola, pod težinom neba,
nosi svoj teret i lepotu u svakoj kapi.

It's raining, but the hail doesn't stop,
people tread the waters, tired,
and the metropolis, under the weight of the sky,
it carries its burden and beauty in every drop.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

12.503 NEOXAG


This is so beautiful and perfect painting

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you so much!

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow...nice work, this is beautiful ♥

0.000 NEOXAG