Narandžasta zgrada i beli veš/Orange building and white laundry


Danas sam imala potrebu za veselim bojama. S obzirom da sam nešto skenjana ovih dana, trebale su mi jarke boje da unesem neko svetla u svakodnevnicu...
Evo jedne vesele zgrade!

Today I needed cheerful colors. Considering that I'm a bit scantily clad these days, I needed bright colors to bring some light into my everyday life...
Here is a cheerful building!


Moram priznati da je početak izgledao bolje nego kraj, ali ja sam se jednostavno igrala...

I have to admit that the beginning looked better than the end, but I was just playing...


Crtajući drvo, iznervirala sam se. Apsolutno mi nije išlo, ali nastavila sam. Nemam pojma, nekad mi nešto jednostavno ne ide. 🙄

Drawing the tree, I got annoyed. It absolutely did not work for me, but I continued. I have no idea, sometimes something just doesn't work for me. 🙄


Ajoj, muke moje sa drvetom, ali šta sad? Idemo dalje, možda nešto i ispadne...😁

Oh, my troubles with wood, but now what? Let's move on, maybe something will turn out...😁


Ah, šta ja znam, liči na neki interesantan kutak. Zabavlja me beli veš koji se suši na žici. On mi se ustvari najviše dopada...😀

Ah, what do I know, it looks like an interesting corner. I'm amused by white laundry drying on the line. I actually like him the most...😀


E pa dragi Hajveri, možda nisam Van Gog, ali sam se ipak trudila da sebe uveselim, ali i vas! 🥰

Well, dear Hivery, I may not be Van Gogh, but I still tried to make myself happy, and you too! 🥰

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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