Najlepša ptica sa obala voda- flamingos! 🦩 The most beautiful bird from the shores of water - flamingos!


Evo i danas me drži kreativnost. Današnja tema je kako napraviti flamingosa i dočarati njegovo mekano perje predivne boje. Pre nego što počnemo, da li ste znali da flamingos kao i čovek, bez obzira na pripadanje velikim jatima, često formiraju bliska prijateljstva samo sa pojedinim prijateljima kao i to da izbegavaju pojedine ptice svoje vrste.
Jata se kreću od 20 do 140 primeraka. Danas ću vam pokazati svoj lični primerak flamingosa! 🦩❤️
Za početak, morate imati ovaj materijal:

Creativity keeps me going even today. Today's topic is how to make a flamingo and bring out its soft feathers of beautiful color. Before we start, did you know that flamingos, like humans, regardless of belonging to large flocks, often form close friendships only with certain friends and avoid certain birds of their own species.
Flocks range from 20 to 140 individuals. Today I'm going to show you my personal specimen of flamingos! ❤️
To get started, you must have this material:


Prvo isecite podlogu na kojoj ćete praviti odnosno modelirati flamingosa. Zatim oblikovanu lopticu plastelina pritisnite na podlogu koja će predstavljati trup ptice.

First, cut the base on which you will make or model the flamingos. Then press the molded plasticine ball onto the base that will represent the bird's body.


Zatim ružičasti salvet ili ako ga nemate obojite sami, isecite na kvadrate i plastičnim štapićem ili šibicom uvucite ili utisnite u plastelin.

Then, cut a pink napkin or if you don't have one, paint it yourself, cut it into squares and use a plastic stick or a match to insert or press it into the plasticine.




Zatim nežno valjajte manju količinu rozog plastelina da bi napravili dugačak vrat. Kada ste napravili vrat, nadovežite ga odnosno postavite kao produžetak tela. Kraj pritisnite da se raširi jer to treba da bude glava.

Then gently roll a small amount of pink plasticine to make a long neck. When you have made the neck, attach it, or place it as an extension of the body. Press the end to expand as this should be the head.


Zatim crnim flomasterom docrtajte kljun kao na slici:

Then draw the beak with a black felt-tip pen as in the picture:


Da bi flamingos izgledao bogatije i lepše, didajte mu malu žutu krunu! Ja sam je isekla od kolaž-papira i zalepila iznad glave.

To make flamingos look richer and more beautiful, give them a little yellow crown! I cut it out of collage paper and stuck it above my head.



Flamingos je gotov ali odlučila sam da ga ukrasim detaljima. Iskoristila sam detalje koje sam našla u fioci.

Flamingos is finished, but I decided to decorate it with details. I used the details I found in the drawer.





To je to! Kraljevska ružičasta ptica, flamingos! 😍🦩Nadam se da vam se ova ideja dopala i da će neko od vas poželeti da proba da napravi ovu divnu pticu! Pozdrav svima! 👋🦩👋🦩

That's it! Royal pink bird, flamingos! 😍 I hope you liked this idea and that some of you will want to try to make this wonderful bird! Regards to all! 👋 👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka Vragolana

1.599 NEOXAG


Wow, what a great scene! Excellent example of great creativity.

0.000 NEOXAG

Tnx for your suport and compliment! 🐝💐

0.000 NEOXAG

Muy bonito trabajo, quedó muy delicado . Felicidades

0.000 NEOXAG

¡Muchas gracias!
Buen tema, un placer trabajar en él. 👋

0.000 NEOXAG

It's really great in terms of decoration, I'm really impressed with your skills, you presented the subject very well.

0.000 NEOXAG