

Večeras još jedan apstraktan portret. Satkan od razlivenih boja okupljeni oko crteža. Sneni pogled devojke koja zamišlja svoj život po sopstvenim afinitetima, željama, lepotama, viziji...
Kažu da slikamo sebe i svoje tež, možda sam ovo ja...

Another abstract portrait tonight. Woven from spilled colors gathered around a drawing. The dreamy look of a girl who imagines her life according to her own affinities, desires, beauties, vision...
They say we paint ourselves and our, maybe this is me...


Devojka s očima punim sna,
u srcu nosi tihu tajnu,
u tišini noći, pod svetlom meseca,
sanjarica je, što o životu sniva.

A girl with eyes full of sleep,
he carries a silent secret in his heart,
in the silence of the night, under the light of the moon,
she is a dreamer, she dreams about life.


Na usnama svojim piše priču,devojka dubokih očiju...

A girl with deep eyes writes a story on her lips...


Na prozoru gleda zvezde s neba,
svaka nosi priču o nečemu većem,
tako ona mašta, hrabro, bez straha,
da stvori svoj svet, da bude u njemu.

He looks at the stars from the sky at the window,
each carries a story of something greater,
so she imagines, boldly, without fear,
to create his own world, to be in it.


Ponekad zamišlja miris mora,
šum talasa koji je nosi daleko,
ponekad traži put do beskraja,
gde je slobodna, gde nema granica.

Sometimes he imagines the smell of the sea,
the sound of waves carrying her far away,
sometimes looking for a way to infinity,
where she is free, where there are no limits.


Zamišlja ljubav kao rajski vrt,
sve boje što zrače u njenoj duši,
vidi sebe kako leti na krilima sreće,
dajući svetu ljubav koja ne prestaje.

He imagines love as a garden of paradise,
all the colors that radiate in her soul,
see yourself flying on the wings of happiness,
giving the world unceasing love.


Ali, svaki dan vraća je stvarnost,
u tišini sobe, u svet malih koraka,
ali, u njenim očima još uvijek plamti
onaj san o životu što je ne zaustavlja.
Da, možda sam ovo ipak ja...

But every day reality brings her back,
in the silence of the room, into the world of small steps,
but, in her eyes there is still a flame
that dream of life that does not stop her.
Yes, maybe this is me after all...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!



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