Ljudi šetaju ulicom/ People are walking on the street


U poslednje vreme mi prijaju prozračne slike sa minimalnim brojem detalja. Ono što me najviše privlači su svetlost i senke. U današnjem crtežu se taj odnos odlično vidi.
Dakle, pogledajte svetlost, senke i ljudske figure...

Lately, I've been enjoying airy pictures with minimal details. What attracts me the most are light and shadows. In today's drawing, that relationship is perfectly visible.
So look at the light, the shadows and the human figures…


S obzirom da je na crtežu prikazano podne, lep i sunčan dan, slikom dominiraju tople boje. Počinjem zidom oker-žute boje...

Considering that the drawing shows midday, a beautiful and sunny day, the picture is dominated by warm colors. I start with an ochre-yellow wall...


Sa leve strane kao balans, bandere nacrtane tamnim bojom...
A sada ljudske figure...

On the left as a balance, poles drawn in dark color...
And now the human figures...


Znam, deluje kao da slika tek počinje, ali ona se zapravo ovde završava.

I know, it seems like the picture is just beginning, but it actually ends here.


Ovo je minimalistički pristup. Sa malo detalja dočarati jaku scenu, kao na filmu. Nadam se da ovi radovi doprinose vašem poimanju umetnosti i ličnom doživljaju jer bez publike crtež gubi smisao...
Pozdrav svim suptilnim i umetničkim dušama. 🖌️🎨

This is a minimalist approach. With a little detail to evoke a strong scene, like in a movie. I hope that these works contribute to your understanding of art and personal experience, because without an audience, drawing loses its meaning...
Greetings to all subtle and artistic souls. 🖌️🎨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
