Kul devojka/akvarel 🖌️Cool Girl/Watercolor


Večeras još jedan interesantan sketch i nekoliko reči o akvarelu u koji sam zaljubljena...
Akvarel, kao jedna od najstarijih i najdelikatnijih tehnika slikanja, zauzima posebno mesto u svetu likovne umetnosti. Ova tehnika, koja se zasniva na upotrebi boja rastvorenih u vodi, izdvaja se svojom transparentnošću, fluidnošću i sposobnošću da stvori nezamjenjiv efekat svetlosti i atmosfere.

Tonight, another interesting sketch and a few words about watercolor, which I'm in love with...
Watercolor, as one of the oldest and most delicate painting techniques, occupies a special place in the world of fine arts. This technique, which is based on the use of colors dissolved in water, stands out for its transparency, fluidity and ability to create an irreplaceable effect of light and atmosphere.


Akvarel omogućava umetnicima da oslobođeni strogih granica boje i forme, kroz spontane i dinamične poteze, osete prirodu svetla, tla i prostora.

Watercolor allows artists to feel the nature of light, ground and space, freed from the strict limits of color and form, through spontaneous and dynamic strokes.


Međutim, upravo zbog svoje krhkosti i potrebe za preciznim radom sa fluidnim materijalima, akvarel se često smatra izazovnim.

However, precisely because of its fragility and the need to work precisely with fluid materials, watercolor is often considered challenging.


U akvarelu je posebno važno majstorsko upravljanje vodom, jer svaka kap ili suvišan potez može da preusmeri željeni rezultat.

In watercolor, masterful water management is especially important, because every drop or excess stroke can divert the desired result


Na kraju, akvarel je tehnika koja nosi duboku poeziju u svom pristupu...

Finally, watercolor is a technique that carries deep poetry in its approach…


Umesto da se bore sa solidnim oblicima, umetnici akvarelom ostvaruju uzbudljiv dijalog sa bojama...❤️

Instead of fighting with solid shapes, watercolor artists create an exciting dialogue with colors...❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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