Krupajsko vrelo 🌊🌄☀️Krupajsko spring 🌊🌄☀️


Kad uživate, uživajte. Tada pustite sve probleme i budite prisutni SAMO u TOM momentu. Zvuči lako ali nije. Da jeste, svi bi to radili, ali čovek je uvek na nekom drugom mestu. Učite, vežbajte, to vam je duhovni zadatak. Samo ovaj trenutak postoji...🌄❤️
Danas vam pišem o mojoj poseti Krupajsko vrelu. Predivno mesto, hladna reka i šuma ...

When you enjoy, enjoy. Then let go of all problems and be present ONLY in THAT moment. It sounds easy, but it's not. If it was, everyone would do it, but man is always in another place. Study, practice, that is your spiritual task. Only this moment exists...🌄❤️
Today I am writing to you about my visit to Krupajsko vrela. Beautiful place, cool river and forest..


Ovo pored moje desne noge je ribnjak. Gusto jato riba pliva a ja sam se uplašila da ne upadnem. 😅

This next to my right leg is a pond. A dense shoal of fish swims by and I'm afraid to fall in. 😅



Nekad i se čini da svaki kutak može biti moj dom. Smiren čovek može osvojiti ceo svet.

Sometimes it seems that every corner can be my home. A calm man can conquer the whole world.


Nakon što smo udahnuli svež vazduh i plavu boju reke, prešli smo drveni most i krenuli ka malom veštačkom jezeru gde smo planirali da plivamo jer u reci je jako niska temperatura.

After breathing in the fresh air and the blue color of the river, we crossed the wooden bridge and headed towards the small artificial lake where we planned to swim because the temperature in the river is very low.


Usput na svakih nekoliko metara, uživali smo u starim kućama koje se zovu "potočare" jer su se gradile pored potoka. U njima se uglavnom mlelo brašno na vodenici..
Zar nije divna?

Along the way, every few meters, we enjoyed the old houses called "potocara" because they were built next to the stream. Flour was mostly milled in them at the mill.
Isn't she lovely?


Stigli smo do malog jezera gde smo se osvežili...Predivna vrba nam je pravila hladovinu...

We reached a small lake where we refreshed ourselves... A beautiful willow gave us shade...



Dakle, bila je ovi još jedna priča u slikama za sve ljubitelje prirode. Nadam se da ste uživali.
Veliki zeleni pozdrav od mene! 💚👋

So, this was another story in pictures for all nature lovers. I hope you enjoyed it.
A big green greeting from me! 💚👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
