Hot day at the beach ☀️🌊
Otkako su krenule ove visoke 🌡️temperature, ja slikam samo more! 😆🌊🌊🌊🌅
Ovog puta bez brodova i čamaca. 😆
Ok, idemo prvo skica...
Since these high 🌡️temperatures started, I only paint the sea! 😆🌊🌊🌊🌅
This time without ships and boats. 😆
Ok, let's go with the sketch first...
Uvek me prvo privuče plavo nebo. Prvi put sam nešto zeznula, ovo je iz drugog puta, jer kao što sam više puta rekla, akvarel je jako težak i zahtevan. 😅
I'm always drawn to the blue sky first. The first time I messed something up, this is from the second time, because as I have said many times, watercolor is very difficult and demanding. 😅
Zatim dodajemo senku drveta. Ona se obično radi plavom, svetlo ljubičastom, sivom...
Then we add the shadow of the tree. It is usually done in blue, light purple, gray...
Na redu su blagi prelivi "sunčanih" boja, narandzasta, oker, žuta...
It's time for light shades of "sunny" colors, orange, ocher, yellow...
Sada ću nacrtati drvo, more i pojačati senke...
Now I will draw the tree, the sea and enhance the shadows...
Nadam se da vam se plaža dopala i da vas je makar malo osvežila. Pozdrav i lepu noć vam želim. 🌙
I hope you liked the beach and that it refreshed you at least a little. Greetings and good night. 🌙
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Very nice painting, well done 😊👍🏾.
Thank you my friend!
oyeee bonitas acuarelas.
Gracias amigo! 👋