Hello Kitty!
Mačko, mom srcu zaljubljenom kroči,
uvuci kandže, ljupki stvore,
i daj da ronim u te lepe oči
gde metal i ahati gore.
Cat, step on my loving heart,
draw your claws in, lovely creature,
and let me dive into those beautiful eyes
where metal and agate burn.
Dok natenane milujem ti glavu
i gipka leđa gladnim dlanom
i klizim rukom uz nasladu pravu
po telu naelektrisanom,
I caress your head while you are sleeping
and a supple back with a hungry palm
and I slide my hand with real pleasure
by body electrified
ja vidim svoju ženu. Isto tako
gleda ko i ti, mila zveri,
duboko, hladno, do dna bića strelja,
i see my wife Likewise
look who you are, dear beast,
deep, cold, to the bottom of the arrow's being,
a tanak dašak lebdi lako
i miris mamno-ubistven treperi
svud oko njenog tamnog tela.
and a thin breath floats easily
and the enticing-killing smell flickers
all around her dark body.
Nadam se da ste uživali u još jednoj mojoj slikarskoj avanturi ukrašenu poezijom Šarl Bodlera...
I hope you enjoyed another of my painting adventures decorated with the poetry of Charles Baudelaire...
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!