Gužva u gradskoj ulici/ Crowd in the city street

Kažu da je navika čudo. Kada bi jedan kamenčić premeštali sa jednog mesta na drugo svakog dana u isto vreme, toliko bi se navikli da ne bi mogli više da zamislite jedan dan bez toga. E, tako je i sa mojim crtanjem...❤️
Danas ću vam pokazati proces kako sam naslikala jednu gradsku ulicu, akvarel tehnikom...🖌️

They say habit is a miracle. If you were to move one pebble from one place to another at the same time every day, you would get so used to it that you could no longer imagine a day without it. Well, it's the same with my drawing...❤️
Today I will show you the process of how I painted a city street, using the watercolor technique...🖌️



Kao i obično, počinjem skicom. A zatim sam "okrečila" zid u oker-narandzasto..

As usual, I start with a sketch. And then I "painted" the wall in ocher-orange..


A sada ljudske figure. Zanimljivo je kada se crtaju u daljini i kada su brojni. Više liče na neke mrlje koje podsećaju konturom na ljude.

And now the human figures. It is interesting when they are drawn in the distance and when they are numerous. They look more like some spots that resemble people in outline.


Ljudske figure su u daljini i zato detalji nisu potrebni...

The human figures are in the distance, so details are not needed...


A sada polako finiš...

And now you slowly finish...


Još nekoliko detalja crvenom bojom i poprskati belom bojom. Prskanje bojama daje neku živost i dinamiku.

A few more details with red paint and spray with white paint. A splash of color gives some liveliness and dynamism.


Crtež je završen. Skoro da čujem sirene automobila i žamor ljudskih glasova...🥰
Toliko za danas. Svim Hajverima želim laku noć bez frke i gužve...🤗😉

The drawing is finished. I can almost hear the sirens of cars and the murmur of human voices...🥰
That's it for today. I wish all Hiverians a good night without fuss and crowds...🤗😉

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
