Drugačija žena/akvarel/A different woman/watercolor

Evo još jedan portret! Hm, kada sam ga završila, ličio mi je na nekog od likova iz filma"Peti element" 😁
Svakako kao neka žena iz naučno-fantastičnih filmova. Evo i postupka kako sam je nacrtala...

Here's another portrait! Hmm, when I finished it, it looked like one of the characters from the movie "The Fifth Element" 😁
Certainly like some woman from sci-fi movies. Here is the process of how I drew it...


Skica mi se odmah dopala. Olakšava mi bojenje, naravno,ali zanimljivo je raditi i bez skice ali teže.

I liked the sketch immediately. It makes coloring easier for me, of course, but it's interesting to work without a sketch, but it's more difficult.


Sada vam već postaje jasno zašto izgleda kao iz naučne -fantastike. ☝️

Now you already understand why it looks like something from science fiction. ☝️


U svakom slučaju, ovo je jedna jaka i moćna žena...

Anyway, this is one strong and powerful woman..


Još nekoliko poteza do žene koja nas je verovatno posetila sa druge planete. Izvinite,ali ja sam generacija koja je čitala stripove...😄

A few more moves to the woman who probably visited us from another planet. Sorry, but I'm the generation that read comics...😄


Još malo razrade i ulećem u finiš...

A little more work and I'll be in the finish line.


Iako su u početku ženski likovi često bili stereotipne figure, pasivne, pomoćne ili čak nevidljive, tokom vremena su kroz naučnu fantastiku, žene postale liderke, borci, istraživači i vizionari.
Ženski likovi u naučnoj fantastici ne samo da pokreću radnju, već i inspiriraju razmišljanje o jednakosti, slobodi i mogućnosti.
Kroz njih, naučna fantastika postaje prostor za istraživanje...

Although in the beginning female characters were often stereotypical figures, passive, auxiliary or even invisible, over time through science fiction, women became leaders, fighters, researchers and visionaries.
Female characters in science fiction not only drive the action, but also inspire thinking about equality, freedom, and opportunity.
Through them, science fiction becomes a space to explore...


...ne samo budućnosti tehnologije, već i mogućnosti za bolje, ravnopravnije društvo.

...not only the future of technology, but also the possibilities for a better, more equal society...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
