Čamci i refleksija kao veliki izazov! 🚤🛥 Boats and reflection as a big challenge! 🚤🛥
Danas sam odabrala za slikanje akvarelom, čamce i brodiće na vodi. Uvek sam se divila efektima odraza predmeta u vodi! Izbegavala sam do danas. Hrabro sam se suočila sa izazovom! Delovalo je lako ali preznojila sam se. Prvi crtež odnosno pokušaj sam bacila. Ali ok, tutorijal i služi da bi vežbali. Samo ja ne volim da gubim. 😅Iako sam se već bila iznervirala, pokušala sam opet!
Prvo sam naravno skicirala.
Today I chose boats and boats on the water for watercolor painting. I have always admired the effects of the reflection of objects in water! I avoided it until today. I bravely faced the challenge! It seemed easy but I was sweating. I threw away the first drawing or attempt. But ok, the tutorial is for practice. I just don't like to lose. 😅Even though I was already annoyed, I tried again!
First, of course, I sketched.
Ovo je bio lakši deo posla. ✏️✏️✏️
Pomislila sam, ako i kolorisanje bude ovako lako, završicu brzo. Nije da mi se žuri ali ovo slikanje sam ubacila izmedju već previše obaveza jer mi se crtalo iako za crtanje treba da se odvoji vreme i na miru, polako. . .
Ok. Počinjem da bojim.
This was the easy part. ✏️✏️✏️
I thought, if coloring is this easy, I'll finish quickly. It's not that I'm in a hurry, but I put this painting in between already too many obligations because I felt like drawing, even though drawing should take time in peace, slowly. . .
OK. I start to paint.
U početku je izgledalo lako. Medjutim, kako je vreme prolazilo bilo je sve teže. Neverovatno, ono što mi deluje lako, ispadne teško i obrnuto. Ok, nastavila sam. Bila sam uporna da ovaj crtež uradim do kraja. Čvrsto sam odlučila. Bojila sam pa svaka 2 minuta toalet papirom izvlačila višak boje. Uh. Boje nisam savršeno uklapala ali pomislila sam kako ne mora da bude sve identično. Nastavila sM. Staklo, zastava, antena, ok. . . Još talasi, mala korekcija i detalji i gotovo. Evo ga!
It seemed easy at first. However, as time went by it became more and more difficult. Unbelievably, what seems easy to me turns out to be difficult and vice versa. Ok, I continued. I was determined to finish this drawing. I made up my mind. I painted and every 2 minutes I used toilet paper to remove the excess paint. Uh. I didn't match the colors perfectly, but I thought that everything doesn't have to be identical. sM continued. Glass, flag, antenna, ok. . . More waves, a little correction and details and it's done. Here it is!
Uh, baš sam se umorila ali kad se sve osušilo pomislih kako i ne izgleda tako loše? M? 😁
Ugh, I got really tired, but when everything dried I thought, how come it doesn't look that bad? M? 😁
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Buena acuarela,excelente amigo.
¡Muchas gracias!
¡Me alegro de que te guste! 🎨👋
What a beautiful painting !! I love how you depicted the water flow and reflection, good work dear friend!!!!!!!!!!
I struggled a bit, but in the end it didn't turn out bad. 😅
Thank you dear friend for your time! 👋
It didn’t look like you struggled doing it though , it came out smoothly