Brza u niskokalorična pica! 🍕🍕🍕 Quick and low-calorie pizza! 🍕🍕🍕


Zdravo hajveri! Da li postoji neko ko ne voli picu?? 😁 Ako je volite ali ne jedete da se ne bi ugojili, sada možete da jedete a da vas uopšte ne peče savest! Ova pica se pravi od samo 70 grama brašna!
Predpostavljam da ste nestrpljivi pa da počnemo. Za podlogu odnosno testo vam treba

Hello hivery! Is there anyone who doesn't like pizza?? 😁 If you love it but don't eat it so you don't get fat, now you can eat it without a guilty conscience at all! This pizza is made from only 70 grams of flour!
I assume you are impatient so let's get started. You need the base or the dough:
70 grama brašna ( belo, integralno, kukuruzno)
100 grama grčkog jogurta
1/2 praška za pecivo

  • 70 grams of flour (white, whole wheat, corn)
  • 100 grams of Greek yogurt
  • so
  • 1/2 baking powder


Znači, prvo na suvo pomešajte brašno, so i prašak za pecivo, zatim ubacite jogurt i dobro promešajte.

So, first dry mix the flour, salt and baking powder, then add the yogurt and mix well.





Kada su se svi sastojci sjedinili, dobili ste testo koje treba da razvučete prstima željene debljine.
Četkicom namažite dno uljem i stavite testo.

When all the ingredients have been combined, you have obtained a dough that you should stretch with your fingers to the desired thickness.
Brush the bottom with oil and place the dough.




Zatim pelatom od paradajza premaźite testo. Najbolje supenom kašikom.

Then spread the tomato peel on the dough. Best with a tablespoon.



Nakon paradajza, počnite da redjate nadev po želji. Ja sam počela sa šampinjonima.🍄

After the tomatoes, start layering the filling as desired. I started with champignons.


S obzirom da volim ljuto, naseckala sam i zelenu ljutu papriku. Lep je i kontrast boja zeleno/crveno!🌶

Since I like it hot, I also chopped green hot pepper. The green/red color contrast is also nice!🌶



Kada sam naseckala papriku, posula sam origano i narendala kačkavalj. Na kraju sam dodala kečap.
U zagrejanu rernu na 200 stepeni, stavila sam picu da se peče.

When I chopped the pepper, I sprinkled the oregano and grated the cheese. Finally, I added ketchup.
In the oven heated to 200 degrees, I put the pizza to bake.


Nakon dva minuta, setila sam se da bih mogla da stavim i kolutove crnog luka, pa sam brzo izvadila picu i dodala crni luk i picu vratila u rernu da se peče! 😅😁

After two minutes, I remembered that I could add some onion rings, so I quickly took the pizza out and added some onions and put the pizza back in the oven to bake! 😅😁


Nakon 10 minuta, pica je gotova!

After 10 minutes, the pizza is ready!




Ova fantastična pica ima samo 500 kalorija! Slobodno uživajte u omiljenoj pici bez griže savesti! 🍕😋😋😋
Eh da, zaboravila sam da vam kažem da ovo testo možete koristiti i za drugo pecivo kao što su kiflice ili uštipci. Dakle, brzo i lako! Dobar apetit !

This fantastic pizza has only 500 calories! Feel free to enjoy your favorite pizza without a guilty conscience! 🍕😋😋😋
Ah yes, I forgot to tell you that you can also use this dough for other pastries such as rolls or pinches. So, quick and easy! Good appetite !

Greetings from Anka Vragolanka! 👋
