Being Picasso🖌️☝️

Evo danas malo iznenadjenja!☝️
Elem, dok sam ćaskala sa prijateljem uz kafu, olovkom sam crtala neki mali lavirint sa okom koji se sve više pretvarao u nešto što je ličilo na Pikasa!
Naravno, ne na njega, nego njegov rad. Hm, pomislila sam, pa, kad je već tako, hajde da ga obojim i vidim kako je to biti Pikaso?

Here's a little surprise today!☝️
Well, while I was chatting with a friend over coffee, I was drawing with a pencil some small maze with an eye that was turning more and more into something that looked like Picasso!
Of course, not on him, but his work. Um, I thought, well, let's paint it and see what it's like to be Picasso?
Take a look...


Naravno, dok sam crtala olovkom, nisam znala da ću vam pisati o ovome, nego sam to shvatila kad sam završila skicu. Dakle priča počinje kolorisanjem...

Of course, when I was drawing with a pencil, I didn't know that I was going to write to you about this, but I realized it when I finished the sketch. So the story begins with coloring...


Mogu vam reći da je crtati kao Pikaso vrlo zabavno! Igrate se, igrate, igrate...
Bitna je mašta i kreativnost...
Kao dečija spontanost gde linije beže,a vi ih jurite! 🥰🌈

I can tell you that drawing like Picasso is a lot of fun! You play, play, play...
Imagination and creativity are important...
Like a child's spontaneity where the lines run away and you chase them! 🌈


Maksimalno sam se udubila u proces i čini mi se da se odrazilo uspešno. Toliko mi se dopalo, da mi se čini da ću uraditi ozbiljnu seriju slika za svoj dom, po uzoru na ovog fantastičnog začetnika kubizma. 🎨❤️

I immersed myself in the process as much as possible and it seems to me that it was successful. I liked it so much, that I think I'm going to do a serious series of paintings for my home, modeled after this fantastic pioneer of Cubism. 🎨❤️



Ja sam oduševljena! Samu sebe sam iznenadila! Kakva lepa i iznenadna promena na mom papiru...
Nadam se da je i vama prijao ovaj ples bojama u stilu kubizma? 🤗🎨❤️🖌️🖌️🖌️

I am delighted! I surprised myself! What a nice and sudden change on my paper…
I hope you also liked this dance of colors in the style of cubism? 🤗🎨❤️🖌️🖌️🖌️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


This is really good! I like abstract art much more than regular "art" I like imagination and imagination. Since you know the basics of good painting, you should take out the turns a lot more. I imagine your painting on a large canvas, because you know right? that acrylic paint can be diluted infinitely. Works like watercolor. Acrylic is more forgiving because once it dries you can paint over it!
Here are some good thoughts about your new abstract painting! Which is superb.🎃


This is great, I like it 👍🏻
