A lighthouse on a rough sea

Dugo nisam slikala pejzaže...morske, gradske,zimske...
Danas se vraćam morskom pejzažu. Moram da se vratim u kondiciju sa pejzažima. Naravno, akvarel...

I haven't painted landscapes for a long time... sea, city, winter...
Today I return to the seascape. I need to get back into shape with the landscapes. Of course, watercolor...


Nacrtala sam skicu, ali nisam znala kako ću završiti jer često slikari imaju odstupanja.

I drew a sketch, but I didn't know how I would finish because often painters have deviations.


Počela sam od neba. Nebo mi je nekako najznačajnije. Centralna tačka će biti svetionik.

I started from the sky. The sky is somehow the most important to me. The focal point will be the lighthouse


Stene su naslikane intenzivnijim bojama da unesu dinamiku i kontrast sa penastim talasima.

The rocks are painted in more intense colors to add dynamism and contrast with the foamy waves.


Polako se već nazire tema. Svetionik izmedju neba i mora, divno zar ne? Kao poezija...

The theme is slowly emerging. A lighthouse between the sky and the sea, wonderful, isn't it? Like poetry...


Još nekoliko detalja koji će oživeti sliku. Galebovi, morska pena, kamenčići...

A few more details that will bring the picture to life. Seagulls, sea foam, pebbles...



Da, drugi čamac je u medjuvremenu nestao. O tom odstupanju sam govorila. Jednostavno sam se predomislila zbog lepše kompozicije.
Dopalo vam se?

Yes, the other boat has disappeared in the meantime. I was talking about that deviation. I simply changed my mind because of a more beautiful composition.
Did you like it?

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
