Chapitre 5
Frost sortit enfin du portail après ce qui lui parut des siècles, mais était-ce le cas ou un simple ressenti déformé par le passage du temps ? Il se tenait là, sur un sol froid et gelé, sous un ciel qui semblait suspendu dans une lumière morne. Ses mains étaient tremblantes, son corps épuisé, mais une étrange énergie pulsait en lui, une force qu'il n'avait jamais ressentie auparavant. Le portail, derrière lui, se referma lentement, absorbant la brume qui en émanait, laissant derrière lui un vide profond, une absence silencieuse.
Les images qui défilaient dans son esprit étaient floues. Des fragments d’une autre époque, des lieux qu’il n’avait jamais visités, des visages qu’il ne connaissait pas. Il se souvenait de l'instant où il avait franchi le seuil du portail, ce moment où tout semblait s’effondrer autour de lui, où il n’avait plus eu de repères. Et pourtant, la sensation persistait, celle d’avoir été dans cet autre monde pendant des éternités.
Le vent glacial s’intensifia, soufflant à travers des arbres figés, leurs branches blanches comme des os, tendues vers un ciel crépusculaire. Frost fit un pas en avant, mais son pied se coucha dans la neige, épaisse et impénétrable. Il s'agenouilla, posant la main sur la surface gelée, comme s’il pouvait y déchiffrer un message caché. Des cristaux éclatèrent sous son toucher, formant des motifs lumineux qui s’étendaient autour de lui. Ce n’était pas un monde mort, mais un monde figé dans le temps, un monde qui attendait quelque chose. Quelque chose qu’il ne comprenait pas encore.
À mesure qu’il se relevait, il perçut des murmures, comme un écho dans les ténèbres. Des voix lointaines, presque inaudibles, l’appelaient, mais il ne pouvait comprendre leurs mots. Pourtant, il savait qu'elles étaient pour lui. Quelque chose, ou quelqu'un, attendait sa présence, son intervention. Était-ce cette mission qui l’avait guidé à travers le portail, ou avait-il agi sous l’impulsion de forces invisibles ? Le doute s’immisça en lui, mais il ne pouvait plus reculer. Il avait été choisi, et il n’était plus le même. Il le sentait dans chaque fibre de son être.
Il se redressa, se préparant à avancer. La neige craquait sous ses pas comme un avertissement. À l’horizon, une silhouette émergea lentement, flottant entre les ombres de ce monde de glace. Un visage qui semblait à la fois familier et étrangement lointain, un regard froid, mais empli d’une intensité brûlante. Quelque chose en elle – ou en lui – avait un lien direct avec Frost, mais il n’arrivait pas à mettre le doigt sur ce lien.
"Frost…" souffla la silhouette, son nom suspendu dans l’air glacé.
Il s’élança sans réfléchir, les paroles et le temps se brouillant à mesure qu’il se rapprochait. Son corps semblait se fondre dans le vent, et ses pensées se dispersaient. À chaque pas, il avait la sensation que le monde s’effritait autour de lui, laissant place à une réalité plus dense, plus sombre, mais aussi pleine de possibilités infinies.
"Je t’attendais," dit la silhouette, un sourire presque imperceptible apparaissant sur ses lèvres glacées. "Ce monde n’est qu’un miroir de ton âme, Frost. Et il est temps pour toi de choisir."
Frost s’arrêta, la lourde vérité se formant dans son esprit. Le portail n’avait été que le début, et cette rencontre, le commencement d’une épreuve bien plus vaste. Mais quel choix pourrait-il faire dans ce monde qui n’était que le reflet de ses propres incertitudes ?
Chapter 5
Frost finally stepped out of the portal after what felt like centuries, but was it truly that long, or just a distorted feeling shaped by the passage of time? He stood there, on cold, frozen ground, beneath a sky suspended in a dull light. His hands were trembling, his body exhausted, but a strange energy pulsed within him, a force he had never felt before. The portal behind him slowly closed, absorbing the mist that emanated from it, leaving behind a deep emptiness, a silent absence.
The images flashing in his mind were blurry. Fragments of another time, places he had never visited, faces he didn’t recognize. He remembered the moment he crossed the threshold of the portal, when everything seemed to collapse around him, when he lost all sense of direction. And yet, the sensation lingered, as though he had been in that other world for eternity.
The icy wind picked up, blowing through frozen trees, their branches white as bones, stretching towards a twilight sky. Frost took a step forward, but his foot sank into the snow, thick and impenetrable. He knelt, placing his hand on the frozen surface as if he could decipher a hidden message. Crystals erupted under his touch, forming glowing patterns that spread around him. This was not a dead world, but one frozen in time, a world waiting for something. Something he did not yet understand.
As he rose, he heard whispers, like an echo in the darkness. Distant voices, almost inaudible, called to him, but he couldn’t make out their words. Yet, he knew they were for him. Something, or someone, was waiting for his presence, his intervention. Was it this mission that had guided him through the portal, or had he acted on the impulse of unseen forces? Doubt crept into him, but he could not turn back now. He had been chosen, and he was no longer the same. He felt it in every fiber of his being.
He stood up, preparing to move forward. The snow cracked under his feet like a warning. On the horizon, a figure slowly emerged, floating between the shadows of this icy world. A face that seemed both familiar and strangely distant, a cold gaze, yet filled with a burning intensity. Something about them – or him – was directly connected to Frost, but he couldn’t quite grasp the link.
"Frost..." whispered the figure, his name hanging in the frozen air.
He lunged forward without thinking, words and time blurring as he approached. His body seemed to blend into the wind, his thoughts scattering. With each step, he felt as though the world was crumbling around him, giving way to a denser, darker reality, but also one full of infinite possibilities.
"I've been waiting for you," the figure said, a nearly imperceptible smile forming on its icy lips. "This world is but a mirror of your soul, Frost. And it’s time for you to choose."
Frost stopped, the heavy truth forming in his mind. The portal had only been the beginning, and this encounter, the start of a much larger trial. But what choice could he make in this world that was nothing more than a reflection of his own uncertainties?
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I wonder how the next chapter in my life will go.
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He was shaken, not stirred.
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What does alcohol do?
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It was a case of age-related macaroni degeneration.
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Close the door, I am dressing.
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She said because it won't sit still.
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It'd be curtains for all us.
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He needs me to get him out of jail.
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Because they know how to multiply.
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It’s not like you’re getting any younger
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Please include me, @iamchessguy
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Cause they're always Kraken
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At least that's what she wrote in her diary.
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She's not sick, or anything - I just think she can get better..
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@invest-time, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com
So Hoppy for the SECRET!!
It didn't stop ringing.
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I can do it with my eyes closed.
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Great food, no atmosphere.
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Well……I hear he is a pain in the neck.
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Chicken tenders
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The plot thickens.
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include me @lumpiadobo
Udder Chaos!
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Merci pour les SECRET!
Bon debut de semaine, !ALIVE
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.
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I asked him to wait till after finals.
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Thanks ^^
But it folded.
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Don’t worry I won’t spread it.
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Secret always makes my day.
Close the door, I am dressing.
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It’s all fun and games until someone loses an I.
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I am excited for the next chapter
They paint their toenails red and hide in strawberry patches!
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