Fun with Vibrant personalities, bird fashions and Snakes in the wild... πŸ˜€

> Sometimes, all it takes is a pop of color...

When life is drab, all we need to do is look around. Nature provides us with examples of such vibrantly colored birds and animals that it instantly lifts up our mood.

Think anyone can pull of a bright green outfit? Well, the birds can! I was amazed and lucky last week to see these Barbets at close range...

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Here is the full image in all it's glory -

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The barbet seemed to say "Don't go green with envy because of my Green bright outfit!!πŸ˜€


If you think that one is colorful, just wait till you see this next one that carries 9 colors !!

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""Don't you love my 9 colored outfit?" this Indian Pitta seems to ask. It somehow manages to look graceful and vibrant even though it is holding a caterpillar in it's mouth !! LOL

While was still transfixed with the dazzle of colors with the Pitta, another vibrant beauty appeared on the scene!

An Orange headed thrush!

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"If Orange is the new black" then this bird is right there at the forefront of fashion ! 😎

When Orange makes it's appearance, how can Red be far behind...

A flash of crimson red signaled me as I noticed a small bird flying at the periphery of my vision. When I trained my lens on the bird it took away my breath.

I had never before seen such brilliant crimson red on a sunbird.

This was the Vigor's sunbird. A study in contrasts in fashion with upper parts crimson red and the lower parts a somber grey!

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It almost looks like it is wearing a red jacket isn't it?

While I was walking around with my eyes on the sky around me, I almost stepped on another great personality of the wild - a large snake!

As it took off at alarming speed, without realizing I was more scare of it than it was of me, I noted with relief that it was most probably a harmless, non-poisonous rat snake.
It did look magnificent though. With a strictly mono-chrome fashion coat, it glistened in the sun-light and struck a pose...

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I am a bit scared of snakes in general but I could not take my eyes off this beauty till it disappeared in the undergrowth of the forest.

I got my belly full of interesting personalities and some great photos last week.

What do you think? Do you think the personalities are interesting and vibrant?

Hope you all enjoyed these images.

I would love to hear your own views on this. What do you think ? Do you think it was worth it? Have you attempted or would you attempt anything like this in photography?

Please comment freely and let me know your opinion. I will try to bring many different types of wildlife photos/macro/Astro posts to the community. Feedback and comments are welcome,. I am still learning many techniques and always value feedback from experts in this community.

Have a nice day everyone. Cheers!

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Love that shot of the snake and the birds are also fantastic!


Thank you so much for the kind words of appreciation. I have photographed snakes only on couple of occasions and was lucky to see this one and click it.

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