#KISS Week 150 - The Reason Behind The Minimalist Decision

Hello everyone...

It’s been a while not participating in the writing prompt here. Talking about minimalism will never end, there will always be interesting topics about minimalism. Recently I read a book about Minimalism by the author Fumio Sasaki and felt called again to apply minimalism by decluttering. The book was so good that when I read it, there were things that I had to throw away (not really throw away, but give to people who need it more) because their function had degraded.

3 Main Reasons to Become a Minimalist

I admit that I have not fully become a person who upholds the Minimalist lifestyle. I still have many items as necessities. However, I still have reasons why I decided to apply Minimalism as a lifestyle (slowly).

And here are the 3 Main Reasons to Become a Minimalist:

Less Cost, More Saving
I have no bad experiences before, I just prefer to save. I don't like it when I see my account balance has a nominal that is not ideal for me. So minimalism can save me from unnecessary waste. I started thinking about how to make my spending budget efficient only for the things I need. Indeed, it is more about foods. In addition, we cannot depend on anyone but ourselves so it is necessary to have savings to cover unwanted things in the future. We don't know the future we will face, because bad things can happen five seconds after we feel happy, for that, our life today should use something that we really need, enough, not excessive but worthy. The only thing that can stop that habit is the art of minimalism.
Because Saving More can take me to the beautiful place in the world

Reduce Stressor
Having a lot of stuff is closely related to stressors. Imagine if you don't have time to clean, while your stuff is piled up here and there. I, who also work from home, find a space like this will certainly drain your energy quickly which results in less than optimal work quality, then becomes a stressor. So Minimalism is a suitable lifestyle for anyone who doesn't have time to always clean the house, like me.
This is the layout of the living room in the papal residence in the cathedral museum. This room does not have so many ornaments, making it look very calming. According to Danshari's book, the amount of stuff greatly affects our mental state, so it is good to not have a lot of stuff and apply minimalism to save your mental state.

Sustainability & Reduce Waste
The last one is an effort to live sustainably. On the Other day I saw a content creator who was very vocal in promoting sustainable living by bringing their own containers when buying snacks or coffee. Before that, because I wanted to contribute to the improvement in terms of reducing, I also had the idea of ​​bringing my own tumbler when buying coffee. However, I haven't been able to do it fully because sometimes I still want to bring a few things when traveling. However, I started to re-implement it as a habit because I want to contribute to reducing waste which of course will also damage the environment. And I should to learn more and more about this Sustainability as a lifestyle

So, those are 3 reasons why I adopt a minimalist lifestyle, although I may not be able to apply it fully. I always try to minimize the number of items and prioritize their function rather than just following the desire to have them.

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you on the next post...

Vivie Hardika

Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of those are romance.
Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.



I have come to understand the idea of less cost and more saving. That is even one of the reasons why choose this lifestyle of minimalism. It has helped with my impulse spending


Yes, it help us to more consider about what stuff we should buy.


Stress is a deal breaker for me and having to deal with many items around when I'm in a rush for work messes with mental state. Hence, why the minimalist lifestyle greatly appeals to me.


Obviously, just being minimalist is the best way to keep healthy..
