How Your Text is Your Identity

photo create by Canva

Week 130 - Edition 3: Texting Do's And Don'ts
“When it comes to texting, what are the rules you give yourself? What are things you can accept and the ones you can't? How does this affect your communication with others in the online space and how does it affect you in real life?”

I was a bit surprised when I read this week’s prompt about texting rules. I thought, no one had rules because maybe texting is just texting. This prompt is like recalling people texting me but using slang that is difficult to understand, rude, and rude.

Back then, when texting was done via SMS, we were required to abbreviate messages because if the number of characters/letters was limited, we would pay more. However, when SMS began to be abandoned and switched to online chat via applications such as WhatsApp, abbreviating words no longer applied. We could write as long as we wanted without worrying about paying more.

Here is what Texting Do's and Don'ts;

ClearAbbreviate Words

  • Do not abbreviate words

When online chat has no character limit, it makes people start to write chats correctly. Moreover, at that time I had just taken a writing class that had rules; in writing, we are not allowed to abbreviate words. I applied it to chats too so that I got used to not abbreviating words. This also affects communication with other people, I don't like it when other people send chats with abbreviations. I would be like; This is not SMS and you won't pay more.

  • It's Okay about Typo

As time goes by, there are some things in texting that I can accept; namely typos. Back then, I didn't like people who sent texts with wrong words aka typos, but these days I can accept typos as long as I can understand them. If not, I'll ask what they mean.

  • Be Polite

And the last, when sending a message, one should be polite and not use bad language. You know, back then, when Blackberry dominated the telecommunication market, there was a service called BBM (Blackberry Messenger). On that service, people could do Ping-a kind of vibration without typing words. Well, some people do that habit, the bad thing is, to send their first message using only ‘P’. For me, that is impolite. Can’t you just type something like Hello, I am (then mention your name) and then state your intention and purpose. Usually, I will look at the profile picture of the person who sent me ‘P’, when I don’t know him, I will block him. If I know him, I will scold him.

So those are the points to do when texting someone. You need to text politely and not abbreviate words because how yout text somebody, your identity will be shown.

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you on the next post...

Vivie Hardika

Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.
Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.
