My Token Goals: Hive, Leo, Other Tokens

I thought that Hive's price will be more as it was in August but it is getting dipper and dipper. I never expected to be on this price and this has been lowered in the past years.

Also, with the recent news and issues about Hive on why it becomes dipper, that they said it is from the users who got DHF.


Well, that is what it is but I am still in a positive way of Hive's price because Hive is one of the best coin out there and it's sitting less than 400 in the coinmarketcap but I am hoping that Hive will bull before the year ends.

Starting HIVE PowerLast WeekThis Week% to Goal% to the Goal

I've reached my goal for the small goal for the last month and It took me another 7 days to get that goal for the month of August. I also got a 147 Hive Power increase in the past week and that's why I got my goal for this week. Reaching that goal is quite impressive and here I thought that I will only get less than 100 HP in the last week since the price of Hive gets dipper.

I congratulate myself for reaching that goal. Also, I have another goal for the month of September and this time, I will get a small GOAL and this is smaller than in the last 2 months of my goal.


For my new goal, which is 3,000, I think I can get this by the end of the month if I will continuously post every day and get author rewards and also for the curation rewards.


LEO Tokens

Today, Inleo frontend was a little bit buggy and I cannot login since last night to post a blog and I use Ecency to post my blog.

Starting Leo PowerLast WeekThis WeekGoal% to the Goal

I am powering up 20 LEO tokens to be added to my LEO goals for the year and it's now at 57% of the total goal so that I can be a cub.

My premium subscription for LEO is almost over but I am still renewing my inleo subscription because I know that the developers are developing more on Inleo to make the UI and UX smooth and easy to navigate.


My Passive Income Tokens

I'm almost getting there with my passive income tokens and I've got my first token to reach the goal which is the BRO tokens that I bought within the past days. Pepe token is the next token that almost got the goal and some of these tokens were also sold so that I get on what I invested in the PEPE tokens.

TokenStarting TokensLast weekNowGoal% to the Goal
PEPE415,7914,6109,0814,9402,046 + 4,849,00410,000,00097.89%

BRO Tokens

  • I've bought another 5 BRO tokens this week as I said last week that if the price of BRO tokens will not decrease, then I will bought the remaining 5 BRO tokens to get passive income and as well as getting an tiny vote from them.

Bee Tokens

  • For my bee tokens, I discovered one of the accounts that if I delegate my bee tokens, I will get some passive income of Hive every week. I undelegated my bee tokens to my other account and delegate it to the account that I can earn some Hive every week. Thankfully, I can login my account in tribaldex and the only solution that I use is to change the date and time and viola, I can now login, because my date and time before was two minutes late and that's why I cannot login to the website.

Note: Don't consider my article as an investment advice. I'm only sharing them to you so that you will know where did I invest.

Note: The first photo was edited by myself using Canva



