My Perspective About Mental Health [Eng/Esp]

Health is wealth, so we need to take of our health so that we can be as strong, and as good as ever but there were times that we have to struggle about things that will come once in our life maybe because of families, business, or other stuffs.


One of the health that we will tackle about is the mental health. Mental health has lots of things that we can discover through one that experience because it's not that easy to suppress mental health issues. Sometimes, having a mental health issues may cause them death or some people will say they are crazy for doing hilarious things around them.

Mental health is not only from only one cause but it has various of causes that may uncover just like one person has been tortured, one is not eating well, and etc. that will affect them mentally and that is one dangerous thing because they might bring that when they grow old because of the cause that happened to them before.

I witnessed one before, not me but one of my boardmate who has been tortured by her boyfriend. They were couple that rented in one of the rooms in a boarding house that I also rented when I was still a college student and they are also a college students but they are my lower years.

One issue or problems that I saw is that how the boyfriend uses his hands to torture his girlfriend but we can't see it since they closed their room but the room is made from wood so basically, we can hear any noise inside the room.


We didn't know until one day, the girl went out to see us while her boyfriend is out and having his class and then she told us about what happened on why did her boyfriend hit her while she is still a student and having that stress build her up makes her mental health also worsen because she has lots of stress to take care of. We told her to let go of her boyfriend because her boyfriend is not worth her and value her life than her boyfriend because there were are lots of guys out there that are friendly and doesn't hit women.

One way to lesson the mental health is to share about what are your worried about because that is one thing that will help them eases the pain of their mental health and also, they will not think of any dangerous acts that will affect their life, too.

Sharing is one way to burst out your feelings and once you burst them out, you will feel good just as I experience before that telling is the key to let your problems lesson than taking it all by ourselves.


Family is always there to listen to what your problems are and they are also the ones that helped you when you are at the bottom and if you are shy to tell to your parents, then go tell to your best friends or even your friends because they will always listen to you and give you some sentiments and also advices on how to solve it.

We can't deny the fact that there mental health is worrying if it will not be cured because they might end up being crazy or it will be the end of them. Fighting to mental health will not take hours but it will take weeks, months, or even years to heal on how the mental health affects them personally.


Spanish Version

La salud es riqueza, por lo que debemos cuidar nuestra salud para poder ser tan fuertes y tan buenos como siempre, pero hubo momentos en los que tuvimos que luchar por cosas que vendrán una vez en nuestra vida, tal vez debido a familias, negocios u otras cosas..


Una de las cuestiones de salud que abordaremos es la salud mental. La salud mental tiene muchas cosas que podemos descubrir a través de una experiencia porque no es tan fácil suprimir los problemas de salud mental. A veces, tener problemas de salud mental puede causarles la muerte o algunas personas dirán que están locas por hacer cosas divertidas a su alrededor.

La salud mental no proviene solo de una causa, sino que tiene varias causas que pueden descubrirse, como que una persona ha sido torturada, que no come bien, etc. eso los afectará mentalmente y eso es algo peligroso porque podrían traerlo cuando envejezcan debido a la causa que les sucedió antes.

Fui testigo de uno antes, no yo, sino una de mis compañeras de junta que ha sido torturada por su novio. Eran pareja que alquilaba en una de las habitaciones de una pensión que yo también alquilaba cuando aún era estudiante universitaria y ellos también son universitarios pero son mis años inferiores.

Un problema o problemas que vi es cómo el novio usa sus manos para torturar a su novia, pero no podemos verlo ya que cerraron su habitación, pero la habitación está hecha de madera, así que básicamente podemos escuchar cualquier ruido dentro de la habitación.


No lo sabíamos hasta que un día, la niña salió a vernos mientras su novio estaba fuera y tenía su clase y luego nos contó lo sucedido sobre por qué su novio la golpeó mientras ella todavía era estudiante y tener ese estrés acumulado. ella hace que su salud mental también empeore porque tiene mucho estrés del que ocuparse. Le dijimos que dejara ir a su novio porque su novio no la vale y valora su vida más que su novio porque había muchos chicos por ahí que son amigables y no golpean a las mujeres.

Una forma de aprender sobre la salud mental es compartir sobre lo que le preocupa porque eso es algo que les ayudará a aliviar el dolor de su salud mental y, además, no pensarán en ningún acto peligroso que afecte su vida también.

Compartir es una forma de expresar tus sentimientos y una vez que los explotes, te sentirás bien tal como lo experimenté antes, que contar es la clave para dejar que tus problemas aprendan una lección en lugar de tomarlo todo por nosotros mismos.


La familia siempre está ahí para escuchar cuáles son tus problemas y también son los que te ayudaron cuando estás en el fondo y si eres tímido para decírselo a tus padres, entonces ve a decírselo a tus mejores amigos o incluso a tus amigos porque siempre te escucharán y te darán algunos sentimientos y también consejos sobre cómo resolverlo.

No podemos negar el hecho de que la salud mental es preocupante si no se cura porque podrían terminar locos o será el fin de ellos. Luchar por la salud mental no llevará horas, pero llevará semanas, meses o incluso años sanar cómo la salud mental los afecta personalmente.




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Feliz día

Dear author, rule #3 of our community indicates that our language is Spanish and you must do it that way. It does not matter the order [Eng/Eng] OR [Eng/Esp]. Please edit your post if possible.

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Happy day.


I edited my post now and it has now a Spanish version of my post. Thank you for clarifying.


Hello Vince? How you doing my friend? Try to attach the translation in the post, remember that you are in Argentina community so we can easily curate you (and of course is part of the rules)


I attach the translation in the post now. I didn't read the guidelines before posting in the community. Thank you for understanding.
