Giving Challenges to my kids are one way for them to Grow

When it come to our kids, we love to spoil them as much as we want as parents because we love them as much as we do that we do everything that we can so that they will make happy for their lives.


We, as parents, would love our kids to live in a comfortable lives because we don't want to have our children or kids experience on what we experience before when we were kids. We do everything in our power to make their lives as much easier.

But there were times that our children need to experience some hardships because they will not know about values if they didn't experience that.

For me, experiencing my kids to these challenges, obstacles, and facing them is one way for them to grow when they will become an adult but we were the one that help them if they are really in need and supports them on their way. If we don't challenge them, how will they grow and what will happen to them if we are not by their side and also if we, as parents, perish. I think if they overcome and they will be successful of these challenges they will know the basics since they know the challenge already.


I think, that's the best choice for them so that they will know about the real world that the world is not always kind but having them challenge is another way for them to grow and we just lend our hand for them.

We know that the challenges and obstacles that our kids may face is not easy and seeing them that they are struggling really aches my heart but that is part of a challenge that they will face.

Just like the reality TV show that I've watched here in our country which is called "Pinoy Big Brother" that the kids show compassion, integrity, truthful, and etc. and there's no parents that are involve in that show where they face lots of challenges and obstacle that they can learn something from it.


Also, for myself that I learned lots of knowledge when I was in college since I went to other city to study their and there's no parents around me to always watch my move. From there, I learned many things on how to live alone that I didn't expect because my parents were always there for me when I was a kid but having that opportunity, that I face lots of challenges and obstacles like studies, relationships, time management, and etc. It helps me grow as I am today.




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This really resonates with me, especially as a new dad! There’s a natural instinct to want to protect our kids from anything difficult, but I agree that facing challenges is important for building resilience and independence. Watching them struggle, even with small obstacles, is tough, but like you said, it’s part of preparing them for the real world. It’s inspiring to hear how those early challenges shaped you, and it reminds me that even though my kids are young, these experiences will help them grow and become stronger. Thanks for sharing this reminder of what it means to support our kids on their journey to adulthood!



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Hello @vinzie1
Interesting and tangled subject, because of the labyrinthine and kaleidoscopic complexity that surrounds the upbringing, teaching and learning of children, because not all intentionality fully achieves its purpose and nothing is completely accurate or successful. Each child is in its genesis, a range of peculiarities and particularities, those that make it unique, incomparable, singular and unrepeatable and it is these specificities that will mostly support their adulthood, proper to their nature, of the child and also of us, the human one. I would say that it is a matter of discovery, empathy, balance and a lot of patience in flexibility, educating children is a sublime art in which all parents are called to nurture and cultivate it. From the moment we come into this existence and take our first breath of air, we assume the first challenge, because our placid harmony in our mother's womb is assaulted without consent, unsettling us and confronting us, without warning, with an inhospitable and wild environment.
As a happy and gratified mother, I prepared myself arduously and with much excitement and illusion to receive my only daughter and give her the best of me, with knowledge, techniques and strategies, with the cardinal interest of being the best for her. However, from the first experiences, many theories and recommendations went down the drain. It has been a modulated learning, tuned and harmonized from the experiences, personalized and individualized to her requirements. I have assiduously nurtured myself with adaptability and patience, finding in them their value, trying to be diligent, attentive and understanding with her world, recognizing her needs and emotions, which after all are hers. I am for her, I try to be her guiding voice, to strengthen her learning through her experiences. What I want? What every good father and mother wants, to be happy with the path of her life with successes and also know how to assimilate and get up from their mistakes. I have not always been right, I recognize it and I have had to redirect, but that is the dynamism of the malleability of life, that which gives continuous learning.
I thank you for bringing this valuable topic to the dissertation. Until another time. Health and well-being !LUV

Hola @vinzie1
Interesante y enmarañado tema, por la complejidad laberíntica y caleidoscópica que envuelve la crianza, enseñanza y aprendizaje de los hijos, porque no toda intencionalidad logra plenamente su propósito y nada es del todo certero ni acertado. Cada niño es en su génesis, un abanico de peculiaridades y particularidades, esas que lo hacen único, incomparable, singular e irrepetible y son estas especificidades las que mayormente sustentarán su adultez, propia de su naturaleza, del niño o niña y también de nosotros, la humana. Yo diría que es cuestión de descubrimiento, empatía, equilibrio y mucha paciencia en la flexibilidad, educar a los hijos es un sublime arte en el que todos los padres estamos llamados a nutrirlo y cultivarlo. Desde el momento en que llegamos a esta existencia y tomamos nuestra primera bocanada de aire, asumimos el primer reto, porque nuestra plácida armonía en el vientre de nuestra madre, es asaltada sin consentimiento, descolocándonos y enfrentándonos, sin previo aviso, a un entorno inhóspito y agreste.
Como madre feliz y gratificada, me preparé arduamente y con mucha emoción e ilusión para recibir a mi unigénita y darle lo mejor de mí, con conocimientos, técnicas y estrategias, con el interés cardinal de ser lo mejor para ella. Sin embargo, desde las primeras experiencias, muchas teorías y recomendaciones se fueron al foso. Ha sido un aprendizaje modulado, afinado y armonizado a partir de las experiencias, personalizado e individualizado a sus requerimientos. Me he nutrido asiduamente de adaptabilidad y paciencia, encontrando en ellas su valor, tratando de ser diligente, atenta y comprensiva con su mundo, reconociendo sus necesidades y emociones, que al fin y al cabo son suyas. Soy para ella, trato de ser su voz guía, para que fortalezca su aprendizaje a través de sus experiencias. ¿Qué pretendo?, lo que todo buen padre y madre desea, que sea feliz con el camino de su vida con aciertos y también sepa asimilar y levantarse de sus errores. No siempre he acertado, lo reconozco y me ha correspondido reconducir, pero ese es el dinamismo de la maleabilidad de la vida, la que da el aprendizaje continuo.
Te doy las gracias por traer este valioso tema a la disertación. Hasta otra ocasión. Salud y bienestar.
