Tracking my result for season 129 : viniciotricolor, vinicio.spt, splinterlandspro, viniciohleo
Tracking my result for season 129 : viniciotricolor, vinicio.spt, splinterlandspro, viniciohleo
English | Português |
Hello, friends, it's been quite a while since my last account report, more precisely 9 seasons without reporting, which amounts to almost 5 months. | Olá, amigos, já faz um bom tempo desde o último relatório das minhas contas, mais precisamente 9 temporadas sem fazer relatórios, o que dá quase 5 meses. |
It turns out that at the end of the year, things were very monotonous and quiet in the crypto world, so I decided to take a break and have fun playing computer games. I got hooked on theHunter: Call of the Wild, then I started playing Project Zomboid and Palworld... How I managed to get out of that addiction, I don't know... but I spent a good time there. | Acontece que, no final do ano, as coisas estavam muito monótonas e quietas no mundo cripto, então resolvi dar um tempo e me divertir em jogos de computador. Viciei no theHunter: Call of the Wild, logo depois comecei a jogar Project Zomboid e Palworld... Como eu consegui sair daquele vício, eu não sei... mas passei bom tempo por lá. |
Then February arrived with the announcements of the ranked changes, so I decided to return and closely monitor the performance of my accounts. I'm creating this post from the last result of the old system to compare it with the new one, but I've already seen good changes in these few hours of change. I'm also getting back into little games, crypto during this time I've been away since January, I've been playing Pixels, Heroes of Mavia, and Axie Champions, and testing others, but it seems like the scam season is back in full swing... I mean, the season of new NFT games. Speaking of which, in the last few days, I delegated and am waiting for the Holozing project to get off the ground, as well as Moonkart, which I had and have access to the alpha of the game, maybe soon I'll make a post about it, it's very cool. | Até que chegou fevereiro e os anúncios das mudanças do ranked, então resolvi voltar e olhar de perto o desempenho das minhas contas. Estou criando esse post do último resultado do sistema antigo para comparar com o novo, mas já vi boas mudanças nessas poucas horas de mudança. Também estou voltando aos joguinhos, cripto nesse tempo que fiquei fora, de janeiro para cá, venho jogando Pixels, Heroes of Mavia e Axie Champions e testando outros, mas parece que a temporada de scam voltou e está a todo vapor... Quer dizer, a temporada de novos jogos NFTs. Por falar nisso, nos últimos dias, deleguei e estou esperando o projeto Holozing sair do papel, assim como Moonkart, que tive e tenho acesso ao alfa do jogo, talvez em breve eu faça um post sobre ele, está bem legal. |
A lot has been happening in the last few months and weeks, and so much good that it's hard to be here and share or post here to remember later, but 2024 has everything to be a good year, I hope my plans and goals are right, and yours too. | Muita coisa acontecendo nos últimos meses e semanas, e muita coisa boa que chega a ser difícil estar aqui e compartilhar ou postar aqui para recordar depois, mas 2024 tem tudo para ser um ano bom, espero que meus planos e objetivos estejam certos e os de vocês também. |
Now, as for the result of my accounts, by the way, in the meantime, I've created another, now there are 5 in total (for those who don't know, I create these reports for myself, to compare results each season and to analyze and compare past data with future ones). | Fica agora, como resultado das minhas contas, a propósito, nesse meio tempo, criei outra, agora são 5 no total (para quem não sabe, eu crio esses relatórios para mim mesmo, para comparar resultados a cada temporada e para analisar e comparar dados do passado com os do futuro). |
Good luck and see you soon, and let us know in the comments if this new ranked system is already yielding results, haha. Share your opinions! | Boa sorte e até breve, e deixe nos comentários se já está dando resultado esse novo sistema de ranked, kkk. Compartilhe suas opiniões! |
Tracking my result for season 129 : viniciotricolor, rusbe, vinicio.spt, splinterlandspro, viniciohleo
Season Summary (viniciotricolor, rusbe, vinicio.spt, splinterlandspro, viniciohleo)
Season overall stats and history (viniciotricolor)
Last Season results (viniciotricolor)
Statistic | Wild | Modern |
Battles | 365 | NA |
Rank | 1220 | NA |
Rating | 3153 - DIAMOND_II | NA - NA |
Rating High | 3256 | NA |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 0.91 (174/191) | NA (NA/NA) |
Win PCT (Wins/battles * 100) | 47.67 (174/365) | NA (NA/NA) |
Longest Streak | 7 | NA |
Tournaments (viniciotricolor)
Tournament name | League | finish / entrants | wins/losses/draws | entry fee | prize |
Monday Madness LIVE! | Silver | 19 / 52 | 0 / 1 / 0 | 1 DEC | 50.000 DEC |
Poseidar Wild Silver Invitational | Silver | 129 / 201 | 4 / 7 / 0 | 10.000 SPS | 10.409 SPS |
Poseidar Wild Silver Invitational | Silver | 148 / 198 | 3 / 8 / 0 | 10.000 SPS | 10.000 SPS |
Total SPS | 20.0 | 20.409 |
Earnings and costs (viniciotricolor)
Earnings | # |
DEC rental payments | 134.437 |
DEC tournament rewards | 50.0 |
SPS tournament rewards | 20.409 |
SPS staking reward | 236.531 |
SPS ranked battle (wild) | 118.65 |
SPS daily focus | 54.451 |
SPS season | 91.543 |
SPS nightmare (TD) | 1.219 |
SPS brawl | 164.112 |
MERITS quest reward | 543.0 |
MERITS season rewards | 246.0 |
MERITS brawl prizes | 10947.0 |
VOUCHER earned | 25.934 |
Legendary potions | 240 |
Gold potions | 201 |
Costs | # |
DEC rental payments | -1336.605 |
DEC rental fees | -5.378 |
DEC tournament entry fees | -1.0 |
SPS tournament entry fees | -30.0 |
Cards Purchased (viniciotricolor)
Note: Completed and peakmonsters bids are not in this overview, those are purchased by other accounts.
Cards Sold (viniciotricolor)
Note: Only cards that are listed and sold in this season are displayed here.
Cards Earned (viniciotricolor)
bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 |
bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
Potions/Packs earned (viniciotricolor)
Legendary | Gold | Packs |
240.0x | 201.0x | 0x |
Season overall stats and history (rusbe)
Last Season results (rusbe)
Statistic | Wild | Modern |
Battles | 365 | NA |
Rank | 3907 | NA |
Rating | 2171 - GOLD_III | NA - NA |
Rating High | 2256 | NA |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 0.84 (167/198) | NA (NA/NA) |
Win PCT (Wins/battles * 100) | 45.75 (167/365) | NA (NA/NA) |
Longest Streak | 9 | NA |
Earnings and costs (rusbe)
Earnings | # |
SPS staking reward | 8.934 |
SPS ranked battle (wild) | 27.409 |
SPS daily focus | 11.514 |
SPS season | 18.622 |
SPS brawl | 33.323 |
MERITS quest reward | 1561.0 |
MERITS season rewards | 267.0 |
MERITS brawl prizes | 2888.0 |
VOUCHER earned | 0.98 |
Legendary potions | 38 |
Gold potions | 38 |
Costs | # |
DEC rental payments | -1542.869 |
Cards Purchased (rusbe)
Note: Completed and peakmonsters bids are not in this overview, those are purchased by other accounts.
Cards Sold (rusbe)
Note: Only cards that are listed and sold in this season are displayed here.
Cards Earned (rusbe)
bcx: 1 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
Potions/Packs earned (rusbe)
Legendary | Gold | Packs |
38.0x | 38.0x | 0x |
Season overall stats and history (vinicio.spt)
Last Season results (vinicio.spt)
Statistic | Wild | Modern |
Battles | 365 | NA |
Rank | 2584 | NA |
Rating | 2618 - GOLD_I | NA - NA |
Rating High | 2642 | NA |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 1.02 (184/181) | NA (NA/NA) |
Win PCT (Wins/battles * 100) | 50.41 (184/365) | NA (NA/NA) |
Longest Streak | 6 | NA |
Earnings and costs (vinicio.spt)
Earnings | # |
SPS staking reward | 16.289 |
SPS ranked battle (wild) | 49.909 |
SPS daily focus | 35.272 |
SPS season | 14.665 |
SPS brawl | 33.323 |
MERITS quest reward | 72.0 |
MERITS season rewards | 266.0 |
MERITS brawl prizes | 2888.0 |
VOUCHER earned | 1.788 |
Legendary potions | 85 |
Gold potions | 105 |
Costs | # |
DEC rental payments | -2478.662 |
Cards Purchased (vinicio.spt)
Note: Completed and peakmonsters bids are not in this overview, those are purchased by other accounts.
Cards Sold (vinicio.spt)
Note: Only cards that are listed and sold in this season are displayed here.
Cards Earned (vinicio.spt)
bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 3 |
bcx: 3 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
Potions/Packs earned (vinicio.spt)
Legendary | Gold | Packs |
85.0x | 105.0x | 0x |
Season overall stats and history (splinterlandspro)
Last Season results (splinterlandspro)
Statistic | Wild | Modern |
Battles | 366 | NA |
Rank | 3724 | NA |
Rating | 2217 - GOLD_II | NA - NA |
Rating High | 2541 | NA |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 0.96 (179/187) | NA (NA/NA) |
Win PCT (Wins/battles * 100) | 48.91 (179/366) | NA (NA/NA) |
Longest Streak | 7 | NA |
Earnings and costs (splinterlandspro)
Earnings | # |
SPS staking reward | 7.515 |
SPS ranked battle (wild) | 44.539 |
SPS daily focus | 79.726 |
SPS season | 22.853 |
SPS brawl | 33.323 |
MERITS quest reward | 374.0 |
MERITS season rewards | 155.0 |
MERITS brawl prizes | 2888.0 |
VOUCHER earned | 0.825 |
Legendary potions | 51 |
Gold potions | 57 |
Costs | # |
DEC rental payments | -1900.263 |
Cards Purchased (splinterlandspro)
Note: Completed and peakmonsters bids are not in this overview, those are purchased by other accounts.
Cards Sold (splinterlandspro)
Note: Only cards that are listed and sold in this season are displayed here.
Cards Earned (splinterlandspro)
bcx: 2 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 3 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 5 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 3 |
bcx: 4 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
Potions/Packs earned (splinterlandspro)
Legendary | Gold | Packs |
51.0x | 57.0x | 0x |
Season overall stats and history (viniciohleo)
Last Season results (viniciohleo)
Statistic | Wild | Modern |
Battles | 266 | 3 |
Rank | 2905 | 4405 |
Rating | 2492 - GOLD_II | 20 - NOVICE |
Rating High | 2637 | 20 |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 1.13 (141/125) | 2.0 (2/1) |
Win PCT (Wins/battles * 100) | 53.01 (141/266) | 66.67 (2/3) |
Longest Streak | 14 | 1 |
Earnings and costs (viniciohleo)
Earnings | # |
SPS staking reward | 0.378 |
SPS ranked battle (wild) | 20.444 |
SPS daily focus | 3.485 |
SPS season | 10.341 |
SPS brawl | 43.241 |
MERITS quest reward | 19.0 |
MERITS season rewards | 130.0 |
MERITS brawl prizes | 3439.0 |
VOUCHER earned | 0.042 |
Legendary potions | 16 |
Gold potions | 22 |
Cards Purchased (viniciohleo)
Note: Completed and peakmonsters bids are not in this overview, those are purchased by other accounts.
Cards Sold (viniciohleo)
Note: Only cards that are listed and sold in this season are displayed here.
Cards Earned (viniciohleo)
bcx: 3 | bcx: 5 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 2 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 |
bcx: 2 | bcx: 1 | bcx: 1 |
Potions/Packs earned (viniciohleo)
Legendary | Gold | Packs |
16.0x | 22.0x | 0x |
Month recap
Closing notes
This report is generated with the splinterlands statistics tool from @beaker007 git-repo.
Any comment/remarks/errors pop me a message on peakd.
If you like the content, consider adding @beaker007 as beneficiaries of your post created with the help of this tool.
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English | Português |
Post translated using ChatGPT. Ignore any errors; the post was created using PeakD because inleo is terrible. | Post traduzido usando o ChatGPT. Ignore qualquer erro; o post foi criado usando o PeakD porque o inleo é uma porcaria. |
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