Changes to Vimm Premium!


Hello streamers! It's @ddrfr33k and @chiren with a huge update for you. We're finally ready to pull the trigger on some big changes, and we need to let you know about them!

One of the things that's bugged us for a while is the fact that our Vimm Premium tiers are super confusing. We knew we needed to make them better, but actually doing something is rarely as easy as talking about needing it. Well, we finally got it done, thanks in no small part to @chiren's hard work. So let's talk about what's changing!

First off, we're reducing the number of Vimm Premium tiers from 3 to 2. It simply didn't make sense to have multiple tiers without good reason to do so. So we axed the top tier, and refined the features in both. Here's the breakdown:

  • Tier 1 (5.99 Gems per month):
    • All ads removed (THIS IS NEW!!!)
    • 3 custom emotes on your stream
    • 30 days VOD storage, regardless of tier on the leaderboard
  • Tier 2 (14.99 Gems per month):
    • All ads removed (THIS IS NEW!!!)
    • 5 custom emotes
    • Permanent VOD Storage (THIS IS NEW!!!)
    • Configurable Subscriber tiers (THIS IS NEW!!!)

You might have also noticed that Vimm Premium is only available via Gems. Yep, we did that too. You can purchase Gems with Hive or PayPal, either one works for us. If you are currently using PayPal to pay for Vimm Premium, we will be cancelling all recurring payments at the end of the month. You can set up a new recurring purchase of Gems to cover the cost of your Premium Membership. Just be aware of this for future reference, okay?

The other big thing that we added for both tiers is the removal of all ads. Yes, they exist. No, we don't like them any more than you do. But it does help keep the lights on, so we have them on our site. If you're a Vimm Premium member, you don't see any of them! And that starts at as low as 5.99 Gems per month!

We also added some really neat features to the higher tier of Vimm Premium. First and foremost, your VOD storage is permanent for as long as you maintain your membership. If you're one of our Platinum Partners, you have VOD storage for one year. But with Vimm Premium? That limit doesn't apply! That's right! Your videos are available for all the world to see for as long as you're a member!

The other big feature added to the second tier is configurable subscriber tiers. This feature is not quite ready yet, but @chiren has been hard at work implementing it and it should be ready to go soon. Anyone who is a level 2 Vimm Premium member will be able to configure multiple tiers for their subscribers. You can set the prices for your subscribers, and decide what rewards they receive for their membership. Vimm will always keep 10% of your subscriber revenue, so just be aware of that. It's still better than the 50/50 split that Twitch tries to hoodwink their streamers out of... #shotsfired

But yeah, we have already implemented the new tiers. If you go to this link, you can sign up right now! Thanks for reading, and I really hope to see you streaming on Vimm very, very soon!


I signed up for premium about an hour before this was posted. Looks like it was a great decision.
I would like to see my fellow streamers get at least tier 1 like I did to help support this great service that we are all using.
I am slowly building my channel and trying to build connections with other communities out there on Hive . As I do so I hope to see all parties flourish. It may take some hard work but I am having fun with it and I believe we will all see benefits as word spreads.
Keep up the great work!


@vimm Is VIMM really down or under update
