This too shall pass...


It can happen that at a time of life that one feels shot down, have the idea and the feeling that it will not be possible to get ahead. They are those moments of darkness and vacuum in which there is no consolation, an answer that fills the gap that has been inside. This happens when we receive a great blow and remains the feeling of having been lying on the floor, literally, and not having the strength to get up from there.

Then a time spends there lying there, trying to find the necessary forces to get up, forces that can be a reason, call many times: motivation. Then we try to find a breath because we know that we can not stay there too long.

It is necessary at some point to get up from the place where we were shot down. When this has happened to me, when I look for a breath and I do not find it anywhere, something that helps me is to try to remember all the times something similar happened in the past and I could get up and continue.

It is like a hope a light that shows me yes, that I can eventually get up and walk again ... maybe not as before, but with the traces that I leave the fall, with that I had to learn and transform inside me into something That would serve me, something that, instead of destroying, built something new in me. Because the fall sometimes breaks you, but when healthy, you know how fragile you are, and how strong, and you know everything will be fine.

Sometimes when one is submerged in a problem tends to forget every previously times in which I manage to overcome adversity, problems when they were occurring were immense, dark, insurmountable, but now when spending time, you can see them in a way Different because they were far behind, and they even forgot.

Perhaps, the only time it is important to remember what could be overcome, is that moment in which it seems that there are no solutions or can not be found. Remember that sometimes you have been able to find answers can be very helpful and encouragement. It can provide the necessary motivation not to decay, so as not to lose the hope that tomorrow will come out.

Remember the times that you could get ahead and think "This will also happen." Because everything happens, although at the moment we can not see it.


"This, too, shall pass," was my grandfather's favourite saying. Of course, as a child I'd want to retort that "but that doesn't help me right now!" The young are rarely patient enough to look for the healing qualities of time. It's always encouraging to see that other people are able to do so.


Well said dear. Have a good day 😊🙏
