(im)perfection - for the Analog (film) photography community.

As it written in the title. I always look for the imperfection for my photography. The perfection is boring, but the imperfection is screaming.

Some technical details:
For the developing process this time i used Rodinal and HC110 in one cocktail.
I have never mixed chemicals together before. Even though I learned chemistry in the special advanced class during three years of the basic comprehensive Soviet school, the chemical elements which we mixed were too far from the photography chemicals. Shame on the Soviet school program. As I remember now, we spent much more time on sports and military training, when we learned to disassemble and assemble a Kalashnikov rifle with closed eyes. today and I’m not proud of it and prefer to mix the photography developers together with the goal to get some more peaceful stuff.

ilford HP5 exposed manually at box speed. Rodinal 2ml Kodak HC110 2ml 500ml of 20C water. 45 minutes of semi-stand developing process – yes, I made a correction and gently agitated the tank in the middle. Stop 1min with water and the regular fixing process. I moved to the alkaline Ilford Rapid Fixer, instead of the fast but very aggressive acid-based Fomafix, which I finished recently and don’t think about to return using it again.

Some more from this roll of HP5 -

Printable Art of many of my works is available in my Redbubble Store :


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