MY MOST MEMORABLE NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION: I wish they were still here.


Stepping into a new year is always a memorable one for almost everyone because of the atmosphere that surrounds and follows stepping into a new year. I, for one, have had many memories that I cherish from such times, but among those memories, one stood out as my favorite new year among all, and in this article today, I'll give you an insight into what year it was and what made it special.


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Although it's true that I'm not the type who parties or is more of an outgoing person, despite most of such New Year's celebrations being ones celebrated at home with my family and loved ones, there is this one that I always remember about and do wish I could replay that moment or have the person who made it so special be around us once again.

So as not to take much of your time nor beat around the bush, come along as I take you through my new year celebration and in which year did I have the most memorable new year celebration ever. I hope you'll enjoy it.

It was the year 2015, and like my family tradition states, which is that we celebrate all the festive seasons together as an extended family, I traveled down to the house of my ground parents from school since that's where the family gathering for both Christmas and the New Year will be held.

I was in my final year and was already looking forward to graduating from the university few months after the year celebration, and within me I couldn't wait to graduate so I can move back to have and spend some quality time with my grandparent who raised me for most of my childhood days.

The celebration was a remarkable one, so much more exciting than we've ever had together as a family, and one of the major reasons it was so special was how our group parents narrated stories about their lives and the things they'd gone through in their youthful age. It was such a wonderful experience listening to those mind-blowing experiences.

While some were so funny and we couldn't help but roll on the floor as we laughed at the silly things they've done for love or the betterment of their kids, some were advised that is now helping most of us, and some were also an insignia into some of our family heritage and history, who we wouldn't have ever known had they not told us that very season.

Aside from the chat and conversation, we had food flowing from left to right as we all ate to our satisfaction. We were overwhelmed with joy; in fact, I must say, joy is an understatement for what we felt on that new year's day, so it was a very remarkable one that I'm sure everyone who was there that day will think the same as me.

By the time everyone wanted to bid farewell to themselves, we were already making plans on how the following year's family gathering is going to be, and it was so obvious how everyone looked forward to it even though there were still 12 months until such an experience occurred again. But then something strange happened during the course of the year that disrupted our plans for the next year.

Not long after the new year celebration, my grandmother passed away. It was so disheartening; never have I cried so much. I mean, I loved her mother more than I do to my mother because she was the one I stayed with for most of my life. About 6 months after her death, my grandfather also died, and it felt as though my world shook and I wasn't myself any longer.

We tried to uphold the tradition the following year and subsequent ones, but none ever met up to how we felt in the last new year they both spent with us; it was as though they knew that's the last new year celebration they'll spend with us. It was sad, but we're grateful for everything.*

That's all on my favourite new year celebration, I write this in response to hive learners community prompt, you can check on kronias article to get the full details.

Have a blessed and productive day ahead


In sorry for your grandmother's loss.You new year celebration is different now. I understand your feeling right now. Hoping someday you can recover


Yea it's very different after that, but it's all good, it's bond to happen someday.

Thanks for stopping by, have a pleasant night rest.


The celebration turned different since they had passed away. It's different when those people we valued most is still physically present especially in a most special celebration.

I know though they had already gone but their love for you will remain in your heart forever.


Yea that's absolutely correct, not having those we usually have around could change the face of how such event went but then like you said, we can live the the fact that they loved us dearly.

Thanks so much for your input.


Grandparents are irreplaceable, but always, in each celebration we will have them present in minds and hearts. Thanks @vickoly for your nice post.


You're right on point @elentogether and absolutely correct.

I guess living each day with the awareness of the love they have for us and the ones they've shown us in time past is enough to take us through life in their absence.


Stepping into a new year is always a memorable one for almost everyone

Exactly, just staying alive to witness new year celebrations alone sends a beautiful thrill down our spines... It's indeed a thing of joy

So sad about her death... Truth is that village is always never complete without the atleast any of the grandparents around😓


Those kind of memories are indeed worth relieving..... If only life could be replayed, there are moments we will relieve over and over again.


No one can fill their shoe perfectly, they have left a vacuum no one can fill.

Thanks for sharing.
