Respecting privacy


I don't think I'm a nosy person. I really don't know and I don't really care I just try to keep to myself and respect people's privacy. Being nosy means always wanting to know about other people's lives, even when it's not your business. I don't like doing that.

But I've definitely met nosy people before. There was this one time at work when a coworker kept asking me personal questions. She wanted to know why I took a day off last week. She asked if I was sick or if something was wrong. I felt uncomfortable because I just wanted some time to myself, but I didn't want to tell her that.

She kept pushing for more information. "Are you sure you're okay? You can tell me if something's wrong." Her eyes were wide and eager, like she was hungry for gossip. I felt my cheeks getting hot. I did not want to be rude, but I did not want to reveal my personal reasons for taking a day off.

So I attempt to change the subject, but she wouldn't drop it. She even asked other workers if they knew why I was off. It kind of made me feel like I was being watched or something or judged. I started to get annoyed. Why couldn't she understand that I simply needed a day off and leave it at that?

Finally, I had to be direct. I said, "I understand your caring, but my time off is my own business. I'd rather not discuss it." Well ok she looked surprised and kind of hurt but at least she stopped asking questions then. I kind of felt bad for a minute, but then I reminded myself that I'm entitled to some privacy.

That taught me how to deal wiht busybodies. Sometimes you have to be firm and set clear boundaries. It's okay to tell someone that a topic is off-limits or that you don't want to share certain information.

I've also learned to recognize when I might be getting too nosy myself. It's easy to get curious about other people's lives, especially if you care about them. However there is a fine border between being interested and being nosey. I put it that way in my head, like would I want someone to ask me this question? If the answer is no, then I don't ask.

Those nosy assholes always think they are just being friendly or that they care. But they don't even know how much they make everyone else feel uncomfortable. It's like they're trying to peek through a window into your private life. It can feel invasive and disrespectful.

"Please respect other people's privacy. And if people don't, then so be it. Don't push or pry. Rather than obtaining information, establish some trust. There is such a thing as true friendship and it is not always knowing every little thing that happens in the other persons life, but supporting them the whole way.

It's stressful to be on the end of nosiness. It kind of makes you feel defensive, or like you are hiding something, when really you are not. It's important to remember that you have the right to keep things private. You don't owe anyone an explanation for your personal choices or experiences.


I understand that there’s a thin line between being interested and being nosy. But then again, if the person is interested, it’ll be obvious and it will show so easily. If they ’re not too, it’ll show. Nosy people don’t even care about like that and they way they act “concerned” tells a lot.


I have seen someone who is nosy act like she care, she only acted that was just to have something to talk about later. I was really shocked and also pissed at the person, but I let it slide and do what I know how to do best... Move on and not relate with her again just greet and pass.
