I do like it, I like it a lot, but....

My relationship with coffee is balanced, I love it, I like it, but I can be without it, it is just the loves I prefer and coffee even with its seductive aroma and its so demanded effects is not the exception for me.

Sometimes, I wake up in the morning and quickly think of a cup of very hot, intense and slightly sweet coffee. Not too much, a small cup is enough. Sometimes I dread it a little, I don't deny it. There was a time in my life when I increased my coffee intake considerably and had many episodes of strong palpitations....

Coffee's fault? Maybe, I'm still not sure.

Now I drink it in moderation and it's fine, I don't crave it and I don't need it every morning. I don't have a fixed routine, my routines can change in a few days, most of the time I decide how my day will be, except for Sundays when I work at my friends' bakery.

Since I do that job, it is almost fixed a cup of coffee well loaded and very hot before leaving to feel that I finish waking up and that I am full of energy to face the day

After taking a lukewarm shower, I quickly heat up some water, which heats up very quickly because my kitchen is very fast and I only prepare a small amount. I am in a hurry most of the time because it is hard for me to get up early and while the coffee is sneakin in a cloth strainer, I get dressed. Half dressed, I go and get the coffee, sweeten it a little and drink it almost desperately, maybe in 3 or 4 sips, very hot, black coffee must be very hot for me, otherwise I think it is a waste.

The rest of the days I prepare my breakfast more calmly, although sometimes I just eat my first meal at noon, other times I wake up thinking about food and go immediately to that.

I love having coffee with milk in the mornings with an empanada, if I could do it every day without gaining a gram I think it would definitely be a vice by now, but I do it infrequently because otherwise in a short time my pants no longer go up to my waist but stay halfway, I just like it with full milk and a little sweet. I know there are options, but I haven't gotten the hang of them taste, at least not so that it's very frequent.

So, my mornings are all different, sometimes I drink hot water with lemon, sometimes just water, sometimes coffee, especially on cold or rainy days, a black coffee or a mocaccino is ideal for those moments.

I like the relationship I have with coffee, I love it but it is not indispensable for every day of my life, even so I have many moments with it that I would gladly relive again and again.

Thank you for accompanying me. I wish you good health and a dignified life.

This has been my participation for #STB COFFEE PROMPT (WEEK 78)

Photographs of my property.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I do it infrequently because otherwise in a short time, my pants no longer go up to my waist

Yes, that's an important factor to consider always:)))

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.


That's a big dilemma and a divine injustice not to be able to enjoy coffee with whole milk and sugar so much because we get fat hahaha.

Thanks for the support! :)))


Sounds like a good relationship with coffee. Nobody wants to get too hoked. And totally resonate with what you said about the sweets and the empanadas being a sporadic (At best) indulgence. Imagine a world where those coffee treats didn't count... Damn, that would be the life.

This is brew-tiful! Thanks for stopping by! ;).png


A world in which we can eat whatever we want and accompany it with a delicious coffee, without gaining a gram of weight, would surely be paradise hahaha.

Thanks for the support and sorry for the delay in responding :)


Carré con café amanecer sin duda una sabia elección y deliciosa también.


Coffee is closely linked to your routine, that is what makes coffee special, it can become part of our lives at any time.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us☕

Good day.


That's right my friend, coffee is present in my life in a significant way, you summed it up very well. Thank you! :)
