A fleeting job, an opportune resignation

That company was a total disaster, from the induction course, I think I was not very lucky, as my energy was not aligned with the best superiors, from the trainer, her classes were summarized to pure gossip, laughter and banal stories. There was little to learn about the job as such.

It was a full month of classes, something was said about how things should be done, everything seemed to announce that the work was not worthwhile, yet I continued because I wanted to increase my income, I was already working in another company during the day and that would be my side job in the hours from 7:00 pm to midnight.

Once the course was over, I had to wait until they called me to start the job. The first week passed and nothing, the second week passed and nothing, I came to think that I had not been selected because I found out that some colleagues started immediately and others were called before me, even from other groups because we were several groups, others seem to have had better instructors because a few conversations were enough to find out that they saw much more of the work as such.

However, all these irregularities only boiled down to one thing, disorganization, disorder, incoherence, or total insanity.

It was a company contracted by one of the main telephone companies in the country, an embarrassment rather.

My job would be relatively simple, customer service via telephone. A month after the end of the course, I was finally called to work, as it seems logical, the little I learned I almost forgot it completely for lack of practice, even so I showed up to work.

The disorganization continued, we were advised to arrive an hour early to be able to grab a computer while the workers from other shifts were leaving their jobs, that is, there would be no fixed position and if you arrived before the schedule but due to the lack of organization the position was taken later, they would deduct from the payment all those supposed delays. This is a clear example of how some companies take advantage of people's needs.

Not satisfied with all this, among so many supervisors, I had the most arrogant and who was justly in probationary period, even so he was totally despot and haughty, so conceited that he always put himself as an example to the excellence to which we should aim, according to him.

Despite so much madness, I still don't know how I lasted more than a day in that company, although it wasn't long either, I lasted longer in the course in which I literally went to waste my time.

Every day I sat in a different place with a different classmate next to me, praying that whoever was around would be empathetic and reach out to me a little.

The first week went by and the work was quite uncomfortable, by the second week I started to know what to answer or where to look for the information I had to offer. How easy after all, apparently it all boiled down to knowing where to look for the information and read it to the clients.

At that point the most complicated thing was having to fight with the time to be online at the corresponding time, but the most annoying thing of all was the arrogance of the supervisor. I took a deep breath and thought I could hang in there for a few months while I scraped together some money.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when I started receiving calls from all kinds of claims in which I had to open a report and refer to other departments, however, to open those reports I had to have a password to access the database and I did not have that password, which was unique for everyone.

I was surprised to receive such calls and I brought it up to the supervisor, who with all his arrogance replied that I should tell the customers to dial again and take the corresponding option, which I did more than once, however I kept getting the same calls.

I asked the arrogant man to please inquire a little more about what was happening, he made me wait a long time until he reviewed a list and told me that it was right for me to receive those calls because it was my job to handle claims.

I told him that it was disrespectful that I had not been informed in advance and that with so much disorganization it was difficult to work, he said, with all his arrogance, that I should not work if I did not want to.

Fine, I won't work, that's what I told him. I went to the computer I managed to grab that day, turned it off and then went to the locker area, took out my bag and then approached him and handed him the key, he was perplexed and told me that I wouldn't get far that way.

I worked for about 3 weeks and after almost a month they called me to pick up my pay, of course it wasn't much but the money was going to be useful for something.

After a while I found out that this man did not last long in his position as supervisor, he was in a probationary period and did not know how to take advantage of it, he was demoted.

I felt very good about quitting that job, almost undignified for anyone, we all deserve respect and that company was an expert in taking advantage of some people's need.

Moreover, looking back on it all, this is an example of how arrogance can be a great enemy and instead of driving us forward, it keeps us from moving forward.

Thank you for accompanying me. I wish you good health and a dignified life.

Photographs of my property.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It happened to me... and I spent many months with a phone company .... it was a disaster!!! They also scammed people and you feel really bad for knowing those things and being there! I was relieved when I left... but it had destroyed my health.

Hugs @verdesmeralda 💗


Sometimes necessity leads us to take jobs that can sometimes affect our morale and peace of mind, I'm glad you were able to free yourself from that phone company that wasn't worth it.

We deserve better things!

Hugs @avdesing 💗


Es horrible trabajar en esas condiciones, a nadie le gusta y te sientes un esclavo :(


Agreed, they are companies with little seriousness and lack of respect towards people, it is not worth it.


Entiendo que quisiste decir y es verdad, generalmente no les importa. El gran viene de que quieren el candidato perfecto sin hacer entrevistas u dar oportunidades de demostrar que tienes las capacidades
